Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Lucid Dreaming | Am I Doing it Right?

Sorry if this is in the wrong section or the formatting is bad, I'm new :)
Either way...

So after a few weeks and receiving some feedback, I have a routine I've been following a few days and I want to make sure I'm doing everything right before I commit to it.

I'm combining, DILD (including ADA), MILD, and WBTB.
I've found my dream sign (anything related to my school), and I reality check when I see, hear etc. about my dream sign. I also reality check whenever I remember to (anywhere from once every 3-5 minutes when I'm bored to every half hour when I'm invested in something). After the reality check, I tell myself "Since I can't breathe through my nose when I plug it, I'm not in a dream, I cannot put my finger through my hand so I'm not in a dream, and I have *counts fingers* 10 fingers so I'm not in a dream, but man/but oh my gosh, I'm so excited to lucid dream tonight!"

Every few hours, I wonder how I got to where I am, and why I'm where I am. If anything seems off (which I always say there is, since I could be in a false awakening instead of actually waking up in the morning), I reality check. I also take the time to really focus on ADA for a few minutes and really take in everything around me. From my pants against my legs to the slight hint of the taste of gum in my mouth.
Before going to bed I listen to a video designed to meditate and help with reality checking/lucid dreaming (won't include video because of selling a book in the description). I don't listen to it with headphones because I can't go to sleep with them on. After it ends, I tell myself "I will have many lucid dreams tonight" and visualising myself becoming lucid and what I will do when I'm lucid after recognizing things related to my Dream Sign (or just via random reality checking)

I also sometimes listen to the previously mentioned meditation once or twice throughout the day and I plan on also daydreaming throughout the day as well.
The last thing I do is I normally naturally wake up at night. On weekends, I stay awake for about 20-30 mins (listening to a video where I get up, feel some objects around me, some other things, and returning to sleep. I can't include the video due to the person making them advertising a book in the description of his video.). If it's a weekday, I will fall back to sleep.
I also, of course, keep a dream journal. Whenever I wake up, if I remember anything from my dreams (even if it's just a minor detail), I write it down. I try to recall my dream before writing it down but sometimes I forget. If I ever wake up to do WBTB naturally, I'll write down my dreams before listening to the video.
BTW I do have YouTube Red so I play the YouTube videos with the screen off. I also sleep in a very dark room and it takes me about 10-20 minutes to fall to sleep which is why I practice MILD while falling to sleep. I'm also planning on eating eggs more as they have choline in them. I'm not that active with my ADA, but I'm working on it as well!

If I can include the videos while following the rules, I can link them so responses can be more accurate.

Thank you and I would greatly appreciate feedback and anything I could change to improve my odds of lucid dreaming!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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