Saturday, November 4, 2017

Lucid Dreaming | WILD & Light Sleep

So last night I decided to WILD, ive done many before and been succesfull so after a 6 hour snooze with a few mins wbtb I was all ready to go. As I lay there I brought my attention to my breathing and said a few mantras, endulged in some hypnogogic imagery etc. About 40 mins later the usual vibrations arrived along with loud noises and I found I was looking at my room - i got up and was lucid - standard stuff

My question is this. From beginning the wild to the transition was 40 mins which meant that as my rem was 40 mins away there was a lengthy period on Nrem2 ( light sleep )

The whole time I was wild'ing I felt fully awake and aware of my surroundings, in fact it was frustrating thinking I couldnt get to sleep but I must have been meditating in light sleep

Is this correct? Does meditating through light sleep (Nrem1) feel the same as being awake - whats your experiences in the 'gap' between going back to bed and hitting REM?

Thanks guys

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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