Saturday, February 18, 2017

Lucid Dreaming | Is this a Lucid Dream?

Or is it just a mind trick? So I was in a cult, people were surrounding me chanting the same words the reptites chanted for Magus/Ozzie's return in Chrono Trigger. I looked around, I noticed where the chanting noise came from and did a reality check by plugging my nose and could still breathe (but could still feel myself plugging my nose), suddenly I was "lucid". I decided to do more reality checks of my own. I put my hand on a wall and hoped it went through and it did, I casted fire out of my hands, but I tried summoning my own sword by yelling "Summon sword!" That did not work, I tried another phrase "Give me a sword!" That didn't work either. Even summoning people didn't work either as I called out their names, and even looked behind, called out their names and turned back. I really wanted to kill everyone who captured me in the crazy cult, So in desire to destroy them I tried casting fire but somehow I couldn't except for the last time when I did, there was no harm done on them. They didn't even flinch when they were caught on fire.

So I coudln't even kill the guys so I decided to try to switch dream scenes by said someting along the lines of "Next scene!" but nothing happened. More people came in dressed in black. I ran to them and asked how I could summon things and they told me to "Stop ruining this dream" then took my lucidity away and pushed me into lava with the two other people I tried to summon. Before my feet could even touch the lava, I was transported to a different dream. I noticed one of the cult members in the back of the building in this dream but as I wasn't in control of myself, I just looked at them and ignored them.

So in a nutshell, I couldn't really summon much of anything, the dream characters took my lucidity away and killed me, every one of my reality checks worked, and after waking up I could almost remember everything about the dream. I've also took a sleeping pill before bed and did some sort of mantra telling myself that "I will lucid dream tonight".

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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