Sunday, February 26, 2017

Lucid Dreaming | How to Lucid Dream - The Basics, for an absolute beginner

So I already have several Lucid Dreaming guides up on my channel - but it hit me: All my guides were a little verbose, spending a lot of time explaining WHY things need to be done a certain way, taking a long time to get to the point and cover HOW to actually do it - and I know for some people who just want to get on with their first lucid dreams that can be unappealing.

So I decided to make a new "How to Lucid Dream for Beginners" video that told you everything you needed to do, in under 3 minutes (and then told you where to go for more information afterwards, for those who're interested!). I'm hoping this'll also help solve the problem of a lot of beginners watching long 15 minute guides and then performing methods incorrectly because they remembered part of the guide wrong.

Here you go:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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