Saturday, February 25, 2017

Lucid Dreaming | Discouraged with MILD

After trying pretty much everything, I’ve decided MILD is going to be my technique. I’m determined to become good at it and I practice every night. I simply try to instruct myself to remember that the “next time I notice I’m out of bed, seeing things or BOTH, it will be a dream” (or something along those lines). There is a problem, though:

Have practiced for a month but it’s just not working :( I know it’s all about prospective memory but for some reason I can’t seem to set it like I would remembering to buy something at a shop, or remembering to do something later in the day, for example. I always completely forget the intention whilst asleep, even if I thought I set the intention well. It should be simple but I’m not sure why I can’t accomplish it.

Would anyone have any advice about this? Thanks.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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