Thursday, March 12, 2015

3 Keys For Locating, Developing Bug-Out Destination

By Cherie

Those fortunate enough to have a bunker near their homes will be in good position to survive the storm. Everyone else should have a bug-out location already scouted and mapped out, but all places of refuge are not created equal. Keep the following three pieces of advice in mind when determining your SHTF location.

shutterstock_59289394 Logistics

When choosing a location to bug out, there are two very important factors that cannot be ignored. The first is distance from cities. You want the spot to be a reasonable distance away from towns with a populations over 5,000. Desperate, hungry people left with nothing will come searching for food and water at some point. The longer they have to walk, the less likely they’ll survive the journey.

Second, you want the spot to be close enough for you to make it there at a moment’s notice and on a single tank of gas. A good rule of thumb is to purchase land at least 15 miles from the nearest major town. Make a few test trips there beforehand to ensure your vehicle can make it safely.

Terrain is also very important. Flat desert and plains give unsavory individuals a clear view of your sanctuary from as far away as their binoculars or telescopes can see. Mountainous and heavily-treed areas should be given top priority. Both provide a means to conceal your shelter, while also allowing you to look down upon everything for surveillance. The less ways in and out of the location, the better.


Humans can potentially survive up to 30 days without food. But after three days of no water, you’ll be knocking on death’s door. There’s no telling how long you might be at your bug-out location, so water must be readily available at all times or easily accessible in some way.

The ideal scenario is to buy an acre or two of land somewhere near a lake or river. Of course land with readily-available water will be expensive regardless of location. Another option is to harvest rain water. All you need is a few 55-gallon rain barrels and place them in an open area during downpours. Those who want to get creative can rent a scissorlift and attach a system of down spouts on tree tops.

A well is the second-most ideal scenario. But depending on how deep you have to drill, the cost can average between $5,000 and $7,000. A network of DIY solar stills provide an effective means of purifying urine and other dirty liquids to make them drinkable. All you need is a shovel, spade and plastic sheets to ensure you make these survival stills.

Food Sources

Assuming your bug out vehicle is a van or RV, you’ve taken care of the water and shelter aspects of post-Apocalypse survival. No matter how many cans of food and bags of dry rice you buy, it will ultimately run out and need to be replenished.

Property close to water will get a lot of deer and other foot traffic through the area. Snares and other traps can be set around the area to snag rabbits, raccoons and other small game. You can consider raising rabbits for meat, as they eat almost anything green and can produce upward of 14 babies per litter. Fishing hooks, line and bait should be well stocked in your vehicle long before evacuation is necessary.

Nobody knows exactly when or how the breakdown of civil society will happen. The sooner you start preparing for the inevitable, the better off you and the family will be.


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