Monday, August 17, 2020

Lucid Dreaming | SSILD is becoming Academical!

SSILD by Cosmiciron(Zhang G. X.-L) compared to MILD by LaBerge.



Findings provide the strongest evidence to date that the MILD technique is effective for inducing lucid dreams. Findings indicate that the SSILD technique is similarly effective. In contrast, RT appears to be an ineffective lucid dream induction technique – at least for short periods such as 1 week in the present study.
You can read the full research here

Cosmiciron getting his name next to experts like LaBerge, can you believe it:D

I think is time somebody around here to create a thread fully dedicated to SSILD and start teaching people, like for an WILD and MILD:chuckle:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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