Friday, August 7, 2020

Lucid Dreaming | The MotivAider

Okay.. so a few years ago, I bought this thing called the MotivAider. It's a little electronic device that clips to your body, it basically vibrates at customizable time intervals, over and over. I originally got it for behavior tracking of students with autism, but it can be used to improve focus and change habits. The cool thing about it is that the vibration is adjustable, and can be very soft and quiet. So basically, here's what I'm doing. I set it to lightest vibration setting, it will repeat every 5 minutes, and clipped it to my clothing. Now, every 5 minutes, I get a light buzz, and look around my environment to see if I'm dreaming. Then do an RC. So basically, I'm trying to use this to get in the habit of practicing ADA.

At night, I can set it nearby so that I feel the vibration in my dreams, and hopefully, trigger lucidity. Obviously, the main problem is getting the vibration level just right so that it doesn't wake me up.

Anyways, I think it's neat, and has great potential. Wanted to share.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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