Sunday, August 16, 2020

Lucid Dreaming | The Key Turning points on your path to lucidity

Hi all, I wanted to start a thread that discusses the key turning points you’ve experienced on your path to lucidity. To discuss the moments and lessons that really stood out as pivotal to your journey and progress. I’m talking about those big eureka moments that helped you achieve that first lucid. The realisation that brought you out of a prolonged dry spell after weeks of nothing. The lesson that helped you gain better dream control after been unable to stabilise them. The experiments that lead to you been able to lucid dream every night when before it was irregular. Those methods, lessons or techniques that you still swear by today.

This question is reaching out to both experienced members and beginners so that we may better understand and gain wisdom of the key moments that lead us out of the dark and into the light. I expect everyone’s journey will be very different but It will be interesting to see if we all share some common Lessons and turning points and may help some beginners out of those deep pits we get stuck in and help us all to better understand how lucidity goes from unattainable to something we excel at.

So I will go first with my pivotal moments on my journey so far:

1. To Stop over doing it and relax!
This was a big one for me. When I first started like most people I had a routine of many planned and thought out steps that had to be ticked off throughout the day, everyday without fail. Failure meant no lucids! I was RCing as much as possible, doing ADA as much as possible, visualising, meditating, DJing, researching as much as possible and it became exhausting! I decided I needed to ease off on the effort as it was frustrating me and as soon as I did I started seeing results. I learned to relax and stop putting in so much brain power into my daily practice and keep it all much more casual and less intense. I very quickly started seeing more consistent results and lucidity came much more naturally when I stopped treating it like I was studying for an exam.

2. To do Natural WBTBs
My first goal upon starting my dreaming journey was to improve recall but it proved hard at first and each morning I could only remember very vague fragments when I woke up. I then decided to try WBTB and learned I could wake myself naturally by setting my intent before I fell asleep. I didn’t think this would actually work as it seemed too easy but that same night I woke up naturally many times throughout the night without an alarm and was able to recall many vivid dreams. My record to this day is 11 dreams recorded in one night and I owe it to WBTB and waking naturally. I also believe doing this every night has also lead to some quick success with lucid dreaming as well.

3. Lucid’s may only take a moment
Now this is a small one but has really helped me. My goal each night is always to wake in the last few hours of sleep and perform a WBTB and do MILD. Sometimes when I woke though I would see I only had an hour, or worse, 20 minutes or less till my wake up alarm was going to go off! I would get in a panic and start stressing out and thinking I had no time and missed my chance. That was until one morning I thought “eh let’s try anyway”. I went back to sleep and became lucid for maybe 2 -5 minutes and since then when ever I wake up with little time left I can relax and say “hey I have 5 minutes, plenty of time to get lucid” and go back to sleep with no stress.

4. I Found DreamViews
(Aww, a little love note to the forum). But seriously before I found this site I was sort of wandering aimlessly through the internet and focusing a lot on repetitive Technique heavy ‘How to’ guides and though I learned a lot it wasn’t till I found DreamViews and started reading about other people’s experiences and more unconventional methods that I found a confidence to continue, a passion to experiment and a desire to master this skill. Hearing everyone’s stories and reading the many discussions and in depth debates has really opened my mind in a way that has inspired me and boosted my motivation to unlock the mysteries of this amazing topic. Visiting everyday has kept me enthusiastic, eager to learn and improve.

So here’s just a few I’ve had so far and hope it gets the ball rolling for others to contribute. I wonder if the next big turning point I have I learn from this thread. 🙂

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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