Thursday, February 20, 2020

Lucid Dreaming | Pain Induced Lucid Dream


This technique is probably already a thing in certain ways, but as I was trying to figure out some common dreamsigns I naturally thought of pain as a powerful dreamsign. It’s something quite common in dreams and happens throughout the day, every day.

I thought of it for a minute or two and then moved on with my schedule not thinking much more about it. Some half an hour later I was walking barefoot down a beach and stepped on a small rock and that small physical sting immidietly made me think about my dreamsign because it was so sudden and painful for just a mere second.
That made me think about the potential about it, and as I was scrollin thru some jibberish on internet I stumbled upon the idea of inducing small portions of pain in a (sane) manner, like a small electro shock for instance.
There is actually a specific bracelet that’ll give you a gentle shock to prevent you from continuing bad habits and I thought of it, why not use these small electroshocks as a dreamsign?

I mean, think about it, pain is harsh, sudden and will snap you out of almost any daily activity that you do, and if you make it your dreamsign you’ll also be able to do it during your REM periods throughout the night, externally inducing your highly familiar dreamsign over and over. Of course, this idea is based on the shocks not being to harsh and not waking you up. But with a little tweaking I think you’ll stay fast asleep.

I know La Berge has been doin quite some research about stuff like this, but his work was more focused on lights and vibrations instead.
In his book he describes how successful the attemps were and the lightcue seemed to be the most reliable source.
In my head pain sounds and should be more powerful, so well, is this thing tested by anyone and what’s your ideas regarding this?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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