Friday, February 7, 2020

Lucid Dreaming | Omnilucidity - And my journey to high LD frequency

Hello there,
I want to share with you my findings/thoughts about the phenomenon of Omnilucidity or being lucid in almost every dream. I would define it as having more than 730 LDs per Year / 2 LDs per night. Over at least 6 months at that frequency. These numbers are arbitrary, but I want to set limits here. But I know quantity is not everything. We must consider the different levels of lucidity and the length of the LDs.
To be in the category of omnilucid, I would suggest a lucid level at least in the middle. But the length should be almost the whole dream not just short fragments.
I myself want to dedicate myself to achieve this or to work towards it. I don’t know if it’s possible for everybody, but in my opinion, this is a great way to learn something about oneself and develop a mind which is self-aware, present and lucid, even if you don’t succeed.
I will use this thread to track my journey and experiences. Maybe some of you will find this helpful or want to join me, so feel free to post your ideas and experiences around this topic.

But in order to compare I will write my former experiences with the dream world.
In my childhood and teenage years, I never had a lot of nightmares or could remember dreams good or at all. My first LD was after I read something about this topic in a psychology book.
The last 5 years I tried on and off, to induce lucid dreams with all the techniques out there. And I had some great LDs. But the last 8 Month I stopped completely. And so, did my dream recall.
I have 6 years of mediation experience which helped me a lot with my lucid dream induction.
So, keep that in mind when you compare yourself with others. Everybody has some different background.

Now the “Techniques” or threads I found about this topic:
Of course, I have to mention Hukifs Gravity-RC. He reached daily lucidity after some months.
He had several years of trying other methods and insanely good recall before that:

-Azul reached daily lucidity with Hukifs technique. Here is his guide:

-Here they talk about some guy who reached this by constantly checking the breath and blinking. When you don’t have to do one of them, then you are dreaming:

-Skippers MILD. He reached lucidity in every dream with a form of MILD:

-Here an interesting Article from Robert Waggoner on LD4ALL. There he mentions some other people who reached lucidity in almost every dream, and how they do it. And his opinion about this topic.

And at last I found an article on a German forum. They call it Dream Yoga. Two of them reached lucidity in every dream with that. It is basically seeing everything as a dream and feel it like they are in a lucid dream. Sounds crazy but it worked for them. I can translate this, when someone wants to read the full guide.

I’ve come across two studies about the frequency of lucid dreams:
Here they investigated the differences of the brain between high frequent lucid dreamers and non lucid dreamers, but with good recall:

Here is a German study, which shows a positive correlation about 0.57, which is quite high but not surprising, between frequency of dream recall and frequency of lucid dreams:

But all in all I have to say, that there is not much out there about the frequency of Lucid dreaming. Especially about how to train oneself to have them every night/every dream.

But I want to sum up, what in my opinion all these techniques above have in common:
Continuously connecting every moment of your live to the dream world, with the intention to be lucid. I think some naturals achieved this through checking for monsters as a child, in order to be lucid in nightmares. Until it gets in the unconscious.
This is a new way to live.

This will also change your brain like the first study suggests. So in my opinion it is like learning an instrument. There a people who have the right genes or started early in childhood, but everybody can learn to play an instrument at expert level, if he put the right effort and time into it.
But I know lucid dreaming is also like meditation a very personal thing, and a kind of art form.
So we have to personalize it and be cautions what works and what not for oneself.

My regimen will be the following:
I will focus on three things.
Like Sageous wrote in his Thread “Lucid Dreaming Fundamentals” :
“In a sense, LD’ing is a 3-legged stool. The first leg is the state of dreaming itself, and the second and third legs are self-awareness and memory. The absence of any one of these legs means the stool topples and poof! No lucidity. It’s that simple. All the machines, gurus, techniques, and supplements in the world would do nothing.”

- Good Dream Recall is positive related to frequent lucid dreaming. So a DJ is a no-brainer for me, because my dream recall sucks at the moment.
- I will review my day every night before I go to sleep. I try to visualize my whole day.
- Autosuggestion in the beginning to kickstart my dream recall until its natural.
- If I have a lucid dream, I will try to remember some real-world things.

-I will try Hukifs Gravity-RC. Because my Body felt quite different in my previous LDs. And I like the meditative side of it.
-I try to feel the dream like state of reality. That everything is basically created and interpreted from my brain. Like in a dream

-Get enough sleep.
-No Drugs.

Let’s see how it goes. Please let me know what you think about this and if you know other people who trained themselves to be lucid in almost every dream.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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