Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Lucid Dreaming | MILD advices from skipper

So I got some excellent advice from skipper regarding MILD techniques. I couldn't find the extra info that I sought after from many a old posts on MILD but they were answered very clearly by him. I'd be doing those who might be trying MILD a disservice if i didn't share this so here's what he said:


Originally Posted by Skipper1100

Originally Posted by ZenLD
Hey Skipper, I had read up your MILD and other guides about a month ago, tried it did some shadow work as per guide and had more had LD or Ld moments pretty much most of that week. :D

Lds became more sparse after that though, and I didn't get many until each time I felt like giving up last week.

Oh yeah I've been changing my mild mantra a little each time after the dry spell, trying to find the one that felt least resistance, but the theme was the same. I think i managed to find the mantra last night that got me really excited each time I said it.

I'm doing my mild most seriously when I reach the state without distracted thoughts during meditation. And try to repeat it periodically throughout the day.

But am I doing it right? Should I keep the mantra exactly the same now? And how long would you practice the mild each day? Oh yeah should I be doing the shadow work daily as I do the mild? Shuld the practice be moved right before bed?

I'm getting really close to constant consistent Ld I think, but I'd really love to have your awesome guidance piece the missing puzzle and get there :D

Oh yeah I also tried asking the dream while lucid to "make me lucid in every dream" :rolllaugh: maybe I gotta try again.

Basically, it's really simple, you did it before, and you know what it's like, now all you have to do is under-complicate it/be simpler.

The reason you keep the mantra the exact same is well, so that you can focus on it. Focus is very important with lucid dreaming and any mental/metaphysical experience. Wherever your focus is, that is where all your power goes. It doesn't come from anything outside of yourself, it starts all within yourself, most importantly.

It works just like an experience bar in a video game. The more you use it, the more it expands, and you never loose experience. This is why it's possible to "turn on/off" omnilucidity. Stay consistent with the mantra, change it/use more if you want something different. The most important thing, again, is feeling. Like, emotionally. Feel it, truly feel it, like you're 100% there.

The time as for how long? I say it really doesn't matter. If your focus is very potent, just a minute of straight awareness and feeling into it, will be very powerful.

Do shadow work daily, constantly. Constantly, constantly, constantly. It's like medicine. Our minds/egos love to try and doubt everything, and block our paths out of protection, but this is unnecessary. The more you open your heart to believing in all this stuff, the more and more it happens. When you do shadow work, don't treat it like a chore, treat it like you really, really want to change your line of thinking that you feel is blocking what you really want to do.

The practice can be moved to any point of the day. The principal is the same, but before bed is the most important. You don't want unwanted thoughts clouding your lucid dreaming, so before you go to bed, be sure to meditate at least until you "run out of thoughts" or you are in a spot of awareness, then you just feel your mantra, like it's natural and it's already happening, and boom.

People really over complicate lucid dreaming. They figure since it's so powerful, it must be super hard. I mean, we're all taught nothing comes easy in life huh? but even that is straight up, well, a lie.
It's something everyone can do, just like being a baby and learning how to walk. That's exactly how it should be viewed, instead of the rocket sciencey, super hard, philosophical deep thinker "woke" type of approach. A lot of the hassle, comes from us, and it's really simple to undo the trickery and self doubt that we impose on ourselves with things like this.

Remember, the most important step with all of this is the shadow work. I've experienced it multiple, multiple, multiple times. When I didn't believe, nothing happened, when i did believe, things happen.
The point is, lucid dreaming isn't hard at all, it's overcoming our doubts and fears which is hard. This is why a lot of people quit early, because they look to this for an escape, but most of them aren't naturals, and it will require you to handle the problems that you're trying to run away from. (Self doubt, and fears).

It's a nice experience, lovely one, and it goes plenty deeper than just becoming aware in dreaming.

Glad it helped, good luck. :fro:

I had major successes with his method initially and now it's even better!

I hope it helps anyone who might be having trouble with MILD.

Thanks again skipper, you're awesome! :armflap:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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