Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Lucid Dreaming | HILD isn't working for me. any suggestions?

Hi recently i've been kinda insomniac and can only sleep around 4-5 AM. i've been kinda tired tbh.
so i tried HILD last night for the first time to see if i could relax and enter a meditation state. i played an hypnosis youtube
video with earphones and my phone next to me. i tried to follow the voice and it's instructions. but i couldn't
relax and would always feel the urge to move my fingers and toes. i always feel that urge when i go to sleep
so it's nothing unusual. but i feel i can't enter in a meditate state like that. i tried to visualize everything
the voice told me to, but i just couldn't enter in a deep meditate state.
I guess since my sleep schedule is all messed up, that doesn't help either.
what do you guys think? is it just a matter of practice or any other issue?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity https://ift.tt/2OUCdAm

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