Saturday, April 14, 2018

Lucid Dreaming | "Training wheels" for "RCs"

Hi everyone, I made this audio file today and used it to help me concentrate when doing RCs. It's like an active meditation I guess. I wanted to share it because maybe someone will benefit from it. I just did it every hour or two today and it got me to do my RC's more thoughtfully than usual.

Its in a funny robot voice because I have a computer program that

This is the script:
Spoiler for script:
Time to check if it's a dream! . . . . . .

First lets look at our hands. . . . .

Are there 10 fingers? . . . . . .

Anything different from waking life? . . . . .

Try to put your finger through your palm. . . . .

Does it go through? . . . . . .

Pinch your nose, cover your mouth, and try to breathe. . . . . .

Can you still breathe with your air passages blocked? . . . . .

If you can find a clock, can you double check it?. . . . .

Is it the same both times? . . . . .

If there is any text nearby, can you double check it?. . . . . .

Is it the same both times? . . . . .

Try to levitate or fly. . . . . .

Can you levitate or fly? . . . . .

Now, let's stabilize the dream. . . . .

first, just calm down . . . . . . .

Look around. What do you see? . . . . .

Engage the dream. Rub your hands. . . . .

Spin one way . . . . .

Spin other way . . . . .

Feel some surfaces . . . . .

Affirm its a dream . . . . .

Remember a waking life memory . . . . .

Remember a dream goal . . . . .

Good job! You checked if it was a dream, became lucid and stabilized the dream. Make a tally for how many times you did this today.

It has 5-10 seconds for each instruction to give me or whoevers using it time to actually perform the check. I could make it more time if anyone wanted a version of it like that. If anyone REALLY likes it, I can even put it to music!

Here is the link:

I thought it would be better to make it portable.

And here is YouTube link for those who dont want to download but still wanted to try it

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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