Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Lucid Dreaming | Violins on the Beach

Date: 15/03/2021
Bedtime: 3.30am
Awakening: 8am
Return to bed: 8.02am
Method: dream consciousness
Awakening: 10.35am
Attempt: successful
Phase: violins on the beach


My wife dresses up a mannequin that sits in an office chair; gradually, the mannequin starts to resemble a person. The house we are in is strange but I take it to be normal. We leave the house together to go somewhere (unknown) and it looks like it's about to rain as a storm brews in the grey sky above. I look up and see a dark cloud looming behind us as bolts of lightning appear and are not followed by thunder as you'd expect in waking life. I find this strange and become lucid.


The menacing clouds begin to part despite sparkling with lightning. I run towards the edge of a precipice and daringly leap to fly over an exquisite coastal village that could pass for the gracious kingdom of Aragon, with curious and apparently medieval turrets and cathedrals, and the architecture as a whole displays many khaki, serrated juts of limestone. Myriad structures cover a vast plain by a cobalt sea. I land on a sandy, tropical beach with a view that is absolutely vibrant and breathtaking.

The weather seems to reflect my high spirits—with a clear blue sky overhead—and I walk among sporadic growths of green foliage whilst rubbing my hands. I start to run through this colourful, tropical landscape and try to remember my task from Project Elijah. 'What did I plan to do first?' I ask myself, beholding the inviting realism that surrounds me. My memory fails me so I decide to explore what's before me instead, running towards the sea like I'm in a virtual reality game. I hear the surround sound of violins resembling The Flower Duet by Léo Delibes. The enchanting music adds to the heavenly atmosphere of the place and makes me very happy.

I start flying again, this time over sea waves, as a tsunami looms ahead. I dive into the water to re-emerge in the air, like a leaping dolphin over the surface, hearing the realistic sound of fluid turbulence and feeling fresh droplets collide with my body. As I dance with the sea, even the splashing seems ideal and perfectly chaotic. I continue to glide towards the horizon, where sky a sea appear to have no divide. I get the urge to explore underwater and plunge to the depths of the seascape. It's murky as I go deep, with only a few hazy flashes of blue and green light adorning an increasing darkness, and I succumb to hesitation and thoughts of waking up unexpectedly, which is exactly what happens next.


I open my eyes and jot down my experience, wishing it hadn't ended prematurely. Notes-to-self: 1) Always have a plan of action ready in case dream consciousness is unexpectedly achieved; 2) Remember that the Project Elijah task is to see an angel and eat flatbread and drink from a pitcher of water; 3) Go to bed earlier—I know I had more ordinary dreams preceding my lucid dream, but memory of them is elusive.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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