Saturday, March 13, 2021

Lucid Dreaming | Titanising the Dream World (DILD)

Date: 13/03/2021
Method: dream consciousness
Bedtime: 2.30am
Awakening: 6.08am
Return to bed: 6.25am
Awakening: 8.10am
Attempt: successful
Phase experience: Titanising the dream world


I'm in my house with my wife and an unknown guest downstairs. I'm asked to check on 'our baby' (there is no baby in waking life). As I go upstairs, the house resembles my mum's in Canning Town. I hear a beeping alarm and a baby crying in a partially lit cot. I think the baby is so cute and just want to pick him up and cuddle him. I also feel a bit scared entering the dark bedroom as I suspect that paranormal activity is likely to take place. There seems to be a false memory narrative that the bedroom is known to be haunted.


I wake up just after six in the morning and jot down remembered dream events. I use the loo and do a reality check by looking at my hands and counting fingers. I also concentrate on a single digit for ten seconds in case anomalous behaviour manifests. I return to bed almost twenty minutes later and lie down with the intention to directly enter the phase. I rest on my back and experience some hypnagogic imagery but end up turning to my side and fall asleep with an image of the moon Titan in my head.


Me, my wife and my daughter are sleeping on a mattress on the floor of a strange house and there is a fireplace nearby. I console my daughter as she seems to be upset. My wife gets up to do something and I follow to see what she is doing, but as I'm walking through this strange environment, I realise I'm dreaming.


As soon as I become conscious of dreaming, I start to touch everything in sight as I recall Project Elijah's task of deepening the phase. Palpating the laminate flooring and intricate details of a wall increases realism. I feel the lumpy surface of a white wall and how realistically solid it feels. I imagine Titan on the other side and start pushing through this pale surface with the palms of my hands. There is a lot of resistance but the wall gradually becomes more fluid and begins to give way. It feels like I am pushing against a gooey, elastic surface which stretches to a considerable distance of about six feet ahead, as I continue to push through, before it finally gives way and slides through my dream body; I can feel its tangible phantom barrier fade behind me.

I'm finally outdoors on the other side, finding myself touching sandy ground strewn with pebbles. As I explore the partially lit soil with my fingers, I imagine I am touching the surface of Saturn's moon Titan, but the environment is more like a beach at night, and as I run towards a dark horizon, I notice that the sea is conspicuously absent. The sand beneath my feet appears to reflect ultraviolet light out of nowhere as the sky above is completely black. 'I'm dreaming! I'm dreaming!' I joyously shout, making sure that I hear the sound of my voice. I stop and turn around to see where I came from, as I vigorously rub my hands until palpable friction and heat is experienced. About fifty feet away, amidst blue dunes, I see a chapel with bright yellow light oozing through arched windows from within. Its entrance is wide open and several dream characters resembling children pop out and run in my direction. I think to avoid them, fearing a potentially distracting dream plot that could cost me my lucidity. 'I can't get distracted! I'm dreaming!' I tell myself.

The nighttime beach begins to fade but I refuse to let go of the phantom sensations of proprioception that remain. I absorb the tactility of the earthy ground beneath me and even get down to roll around on it, like a pig in a sty, until I emerge in a brand new, crystal clear environment emulating the interior of a temple. I touch every surface in sight in order to bring maximum sharpness to the surroundings and stabilise the lucid dream. I wander through a spacious hall whilst wishing to attain an alien landscape that resembles Titan more closely than the last beach-like terrain. I open a varnished wooden door to find, surprisingly, a smaller hall composed of green walls with more identical mahogany doors. I keep pushing open several doors encountering identical halls with more doors, making me feel like Neo in the Matrix, trapped in an architectural maze. I find the situation, hilarious!

Eventually, I reach the exterior world to encounter a daytime desert displaying a few buildings that protrude from sandy dunes. Colourful wispy clouds adorn a light-blue sky and a pale sun is visible. The vivid scenery is quite surreal and beautiful, but still closer to a terrestrial landscape than a Titanian one. Once again, I remind myself that I'm having a lucid dream to maintain focus. My wish to experience Titan appears to alter the sky before me as the sun turns red and the clouds that encircle it shift to a fiery orange adorned by other warm hues that make the atmosphere even more interesting. I start flying and the ground below quickly turns into a fully-fledged city with crowds of people filling its streets. I have a personal joke in my head: 'This is a very populous Titan!' The sky darkens to a deep ultramarine and I feel like I'm flying only dozens of feet above a multitude of dream people in Times Square, New York. It looks like a massive protest in the streets below!

As I hover over a sea of human heads, I recall my desire to practise martial arts with Bruce Lee, but a group of Asian men in the crowd below will do. I start fighting with them once I descend close enough for physical contact, but they soon become difficult to handle as they make a few attempts to grab me, so I take off upwards and look back to see them looking up and jumping as they appear unable to fly after me.

I plunge into the horizon and close my eyes in order to translocate to another fight arena. I land in what looks like the interior of an American motel, in the lobby area, and enjoy beating up a gang of hoodies. My punches are so powerful that every time they land on my opponents' faces, the impact of the blows produce a lot of blood—it's gorier than Mortal Kombat here! The hoodies pull out knives on me but the blades end up embedded in their bodies rather than mine. I'm better than Scott Adkins! I fight them up and down a staircase and feel accomplished as I watch their bodies drop. I'm confident, rock solid, and feel extremely hard as a man. My opponents are all lying on the floor, defeated, as I make my way out in style. Before I push a swinging door open to access the outside, I see a blue mask hanging on its knob. 'The pandemic has reached the dream world!' I joke to myself before waking up refreshed.


I really congratulate myself on this one! Great success with the palpation test, showing that it works very well in deepening, as well as maintaining, the phase state.

I write everything down and look forward to more adventures. The whole experience seems to have lasted a long time, but to measure duration more accurately, I use a stopwatch as I recall and relive my actions in the phase. It's almost two and a half minutes of nonstop lucid dreaming.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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