Friday, October 2, 2020

Lucid Dreaming | Are These Dreamlets?

Hey there, I need some clarification on things that have happened to me this week.

So, today I WBTB an hour early before usual. I didn't stay up long, maybe a couple of minutes at best, then went back to bed. As I did, I wasn't entirely sure I would fall asleep, what with insomnia making it difficult to relax and being so close to finishing my normal sleep schedule, but I tried nonetheless. As predicted, I kept tossing and turning for long, until suddenly I began dreaming, or at least, that's what it looked like to me after I "woke up" from it.

The scene I saw wasn't particularly noteworthy, just me observing someone getting chased by some people. As this "dream" progressed I found myself taking part in it, non-lucidly playing along with the plot. And then... I woke up, only it didn't feel exactly like any normal wake up. This thing felt different. It wasn't so much as a waking up but more like going through a seamless transition. One moment I'm dreaming some scene and the very next I find myself still turning and tossing about as if I never actually slept. I've never felt a transition as smoothly as this before. It's as if I almost didn't loose consciousness from leaping from wake-to-sleep-to-dream. It left me confused throughout the rest of the morning. Also, during the first part of this "dream" I'm confident I could've become aware of what was happening if I tried, while at later sections I was completely non-lucid.

The other time took place this last Tuesday. Now this one is even weirder to me because it lasted the whole night. I went to bed as usual but couldn't manage to sleep no matter how hard I tried, or so I thought. I kept constantly tossing and turning, and then I would imagine these scenes as if in a dream, and again transition rather seamlessly into wakefulness without as much as a stutter between the two states. I never felt a moment of actual sleep, a passing of unconsciousness as one might expect. Quite opposite, I was becoming extremely frustrated because the hours kept piling up and I thought I wasn't getting any sleep at all! I must've had about 6 or 7 of these instances by morning.

When the sun rose, I had completely given up and dreaded the rest of the day to be miserable, dealing with what I thought was a pretty big case of sleep deprivation. But, to my surprise, I felt quite rested! I resumed life utterly confused about what had happened. Still, I was convinced something like this could not last long enough to dodge the inevitable consequences of lack of sleep the longer I went with my day, but it never came. Come night, I went to bed as usual and this time I slept normally like any other day.

Now, obviously I must've fallen asleep at some point in the night without my knowing. It just weirds me out how it all played out. Additionally, I don't know if this is worth pointing out, but I've been taking meditation a lot more seriously this past couple of months. This week in particular, has seen me increasing my normal meditative sessions from the previous month, the effects of which I've beginning to see bleeding into my daily life. Although, I don't know if that has anything to do with this. Should I act on these instances or ignore them? In many of these I become aware of what they are a bit late. I think, oh wait this is a dream, only to realize I am already awake.

I researched around for a bit and came about some threads talking about dreamlets, so I figured this might be a similar case, but you never know. Better safe to ask.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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