Thursday, May 21, 2020

Lucid Dreaming | Wtf happened (possible WILD)

This was the trippiest thing. I must’ve had like, three. The first one I wasn’t entirely aware, cause my phone was different and I didn’t realize it. I was looking at butterflies on pinterest. Suddenly, a bat flew into my ear with a message. It spoke with my dad’s voice and I freaked out and “woke up”.

I might have actually woken up and fell into another dream immediately, cause I remember seeing a lot of dream images before rolling really fast on my side. It was continuous, and I was thinking “Is this how it feels to enter a WILD?” Then I woke up in a different dream, laying dizzily on my kitchen floor, completely aware I was in a dream. I looked outside and realized the whole house was floating in outer space.

Then I woke up again. This time in my room. Pretty sure I was aware of sleep paralysis, cause I found it really difficult to move, was breathing hard, and my heart was pounding. But I didn’t panic, cause I knew I’d experienced it before. So I went back to sleep in a very shallow false awakening.

My mind almost had me fooled; it had created an EXACT replica of my room with dull lighting, and I was staring at that elastic band next to me. I thought I was really awake this time and started to get up. But the way I moved wasn’t entirely natural, so I reality checked. My fingers didn’t go through, but my hand was kinda blotchy and I suddenly felt like something was off. I knew I was dreaming, but I kept trying to force my fingers through, and they just wouldn’t.

Eventually I lost my grip on the dream and woke up for the last time. I think I made the “frustration” mistake again. (One time I got so frustrated in a lucid, I woke up).

Did I have a WILD at some point? I’ve never had one before.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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