Monday, April 6, 2020

Lucid Dreaming | To those struggling with SSILD.

The key to SSILD(Senses Induced Lucid Dreaming) is realizing it's a form of WILD (Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming)
Which is a form of meditation.

So to get this clear, SSILD simply is a meditation technique for achieving a WILD.


Do this in a WBTB for quicker results.
You can do this right before you go to bed for the night, but it's pretty advanced.
If you want simple, do it in a WBTB.

Loop through your senses one by one very slowly. 30 secs at most on one sense. Until you feel confident enough to go quicker

What can i feel? Then try to be aware of as much as you can feel in the moment, everything, even the smallest thing.

What can i hear? Try to be tuned into what you are hearing as you are in bed falling asleep, anything as much as you can, as focused as you can

What can i see? Probably nothing behind closed eyelids, but you can still be aware of even you not seeing anything. So focus on that.

Taste and smell don't really matter, just focus on the biggest senses for right now. Keep it simple.

After you have looped through them slowly, do it very fast now. Spending at most 2 seconds on a singular sense.

Don't try to get anything exact or overthink it, this will hurt your chance of making this work. Just follow as generally as you can. After all this is a meditative technique.

You will want to reach a point to where you are simultaneously aware of all your senses in a hyper aware state. You'll know you're there, when you're there. It can feel like very focused...focusing...or like you're'll just know.

When you hit this state, GO TO SLEEP LIKE NORMAL.
The goal here is NOT to do it while you're falling asleep, it's to do it right before.
It perpares you subconsciously while you're sleeping naturally so you can do it in a dream therefore get lucid.

If you fall asleep aware, you'll know it as well as said earlier, getting you a lucid via WILD, but if you go to sleep without the large boost of awareness, don't worry it will you'll still be able to have some form of it even in regular dreams, therefore getting you lucid via DILD, as i said before, as this happens when you subconsciously remember to do it spontaneously when dreaming.

If it doesn't work at first, keep going.
Read over this guide over and over again.
Do it simpler and simpler each time.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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