Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Lucid Dreaming | Some questions

So after a along time of getting only false awakenings I took a long break, about a year or 2 to be precise. But now I’m very determined to have one. But I’m not sure if they were actually false awakenings or just me dreaming that I had a false awakening.

Lucid dreams feel like real life right? Like you are conscious. It doesn’t feel like a normal Dream which is always fuzzy to me. You decide if you wanna touch stuff. Because my false awakenings felt like real life. I had one where a mysterious figure kicked a shoe into my room, he had smoke coming off him. Also I Always have no sound in my dreams either. Rarely do I get sound. Maybe I’m not vivid enough.

Anyway. I’m doing MILD, because me and my brothers share a room. And I can’t wake them up in the middle of then night haha.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity https://ift.tt/2V8aTnp

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