Monday, July 1, 2019

Lucid Dreaming | Reality Check Moments

I don't think this site has one of these threads yet. So here it is.

The idea is to use the thread itself as a means to help with lucidity. As it has happened to me before. The thread is for posting about moments in waking life that happen to you that seems very strange and deserving of an RC. Well it can be something big, or something minor. It doesn't really matter. Something you see or happens that seems strange and tells you that maybe it's time to do an RC. Or maybe even just a dreamlike feeling... When that happens do the RC and also think about this thread with the intent to post about it.

With any luck, one of these times when you see something or something happens that reminds you of this thread and you want to post it here. You very well might be dreaming in that moment. So if you are posting in this thread and see something that makes you think of this thread. Don't forget to do the RC too...

But if you happen to think about this thread in a dream, and fail to do the RC and get lucid. Don't get down on yourself, it happens. It just makes the chances better the next time. Because you will probably remember the failure in the dream and want to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Good luck!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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