Monday, February 4, 2019

Lucid Dreaming | Skippers MILD

Skipper’s MILD

This is the technique that I personally use that got me omnilucid (all dreams lucid), and plenty of PR/Wonderland dreams (Persistent Realm Dreams)

There really isn’t a good way to explain this without bombarding someone with information i expect them to know, so I will have to assume that the person reading this, understands/know absolutely nothing about MILD.

Although, there is some hope, as this will be an extensive, detailed, layout of what I do for MILD, this will be divided into simple “Steps”.

Also, just know, I am not a complete master at MILD, but i know enough to be very flexible and powerful with it. if i was a complete master, that would be pretty boring, I like finding new stuff to do with it. :P This is just, one technique, one perspective, the goal here isn’t to give you a guide, or a handbook, it’s here to inspire you.

A few realizations need to be met before using MILD to it’s, higher efficiency, so to speak.

Realize that you know what works best for you. How you do that, is finding what is the most fitting/comfortable to what you desire, and that means no compromising!

  • What I mean by that is, let’s say, you find something that really works for you, like meditating right before bed to something relaxing, while repeating your mantra in your head until you feel confident in it.

  • You would have to, for one, make time for doing this before bed, and two, have a desire/willpower to do it, despite anything else. So basically don’t get lazy, and don’t make excuses for not doing it. If you wanna do it, do it.

Also realize that, you need to be open to these possibilities.

  • Don’t go into MILD, looking for proof/proving it to be true. This is just gonna be a time waster to lucid dreaming. You have to be confident in it working, and be willing to refine it when, or should i say if, it doesn’t work the first night.

  • This also means, you have to study yourself, really work with yourself on a deep level to find your doubts/fears with lucid dreaming and MILD techniques. A good way to do this, is to say a mantra in your head, and notice any feelings that pop up, if it feels good, then keep going, if not, then write down your feelings about it until you are aware of the doubt, and are able to show yourself more open minded approaches.

  • Also, your dreams can tell you a lot about yourself, I truly believe that they all have meaning, if you are willing to see it that way.

  • I can say from my experience that this was the absolute BIGGEST thing i had to do in order to really get MILD down packed to the point it is now.

  • When you’re more open minded, you are more willing to find what works for you personally.

  • Also, realize that MILD is just the lucid dreaming sector. You could really apply all of this to any area of your life, and end up controlling your mind to be able to reach potentials you didn’t think was possible!

Have and always maintain a positive attitude.

  • You….don’t really get anything good without having a positive attitude.
  • If it doesn’t work the first night, good! you just found one way to do it wrong, which clears the way to you finding exactly what works for you.
  • Neither the second, nor the third, or the fourteenth? That’s good as well! Notice the subtle progress you make, notice how you’re used to working with your confines and breaking out of them.

  • If you simply believe in yourself and be confident, you’ll find that lucid dreaming will become x10 times easier, guaranteed. Lucid dreaming isn’t hard, it’s just hard to explain.

Lucid dreaming is all psychological.

  • Something I hold true, but i think it could help a lot of other people as well.
  • It’s all within your mind basically, whatever affects how you think, and how you feel, will affect your lucid dreaming capabilities, not the "effector". "Effectors" as i call them, could be a drug, substance, food, person, good luck charm, anything that is outside of you.

  • The "effector" is powerless, if the mind isn’t bothered by it. So always remember that original power that is possible with all of this.

Now for, actually how to DO, MILD.

First up, finding a good mantra.

  • People usually do these types of mantras. “I will be aware in my dreams”, “My dreams become lucid”, or something like that. Usually off the fly, not really thinking about it, this ends up not manifesting easily in your subconscious mind, because they probably don’t believe it/have doubts about it, and aren’t as focused on it.

  • To make a good mantra, it takes knowing exactly what you want with your dreams. Getting “Intimate” with your dreaming life. Like, write down, your main goals with lucid dreaming.

  • A simple list, perhaps like this:

“- I want to be able to study information i obtained in waking life, faster within a lucid dream
- I want to be able to go to a specific place within my dreams
- I want to talk with my subconscious in my dreams
- I want to be able to fly in my lucid dreams”

  • Now that you have a specific goal list as to what you want to accomplish, you can actually see it, these aren’t just swirling thoughts, this is something tangible, mind, to paper.

  • Not only does this solidify in your mind better, but now you are able to make a good mantra.

  • Now, as for finding a mantra, finally, just, feel a central theme that ties this all together.
  • Looking back at that list, there are four things that are listed.

  • Talking to subconscious, flying, going to a dream place, and higher study retention.

  • For everyone this will be different, but when i see all of these things i instantly think, “Impossible in waking”, going deeper than that, i feel, “This is going to be really, fucking cool to do this in a dream.”, so subconsciously I’m open to it regardless!

  • Using that as a bouncing point, my mantra would be something like:

“In my dreams, I do the impossible”

  • Notice how i didn’t use, “I will be” or “I’m going”, I use something that applies that EXACT, SAME FEELING, of doing it, in the present moment, Yes! Even right now! Away from the dreaming reality.

  • This is also a misconception I see a lot, that being, there isn’t much you can do about your lucid dreams, when you aren’t in them, when really, this 100% isn’t the case.

  • Now all you have to do, is feel it, it is already happening, you don’t need proof, but the proof is more like the icing on the cake, instead of the cake itself. Be confident in it, and allow it to work.

And lastly, affirming it.

  • This usually requires, meditation, it can be done in other ways, but i like meditation.
  • Notice that whenever you are worry-free and relaxed, you are much more open and flexible to new ideas.

  • It is also exactly how the subconscious mind works! The more relaxed you are, the more able you are to do things like affirmations, and even lucid dreaming/obes (outer body experiences)

  • Meditation, doesn’t require any skill, nor any expectation, nor is it just “sitting down and doing nothing”. Meditation is just meditation, but how i like to define it is, “Learning how to be loud, with the silence of the mind.”

  • When you get rid of all the repeating thoughts, and break out of your subconscious programming, you REALLY start to make progress.

  • So whenever you are really relaxed to the point of freedom/bliss, just repeat the mantra in your head, and feel it already working.

  • Then remember the feeling throughout the days and weeks, making it a part of your routine and eventually it will become NATURAL!


  • After you have successfully achieved a MILD, or your desired dream with this, feel amazing! It happened, and it will continue to happen! Just remember to write down the technique you tried, how you did it, and what happened in the dream.

  • After you have the dream, replay it in your mind over and over again. What parts of it did you truly enjoy? What do you think caused that to happen? Things like that, really show your mind that you are interested in these experiences and that you hold them dear to your heart, and it will happen more often and more often.

And there you have it, this is my own, personalized, MILD technique, but i didn’t get here on my own, I had help from a plethora of good and amazing people.

I’ll perhaps update this to include anything i missed soooooooo here is the “Update Version” currently:

Most Recent:
Edit 1.0.0 - Jan 4th, 2019

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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