Monday, September 17, 2018

Lucid Dreaming | Was I almost in a DEILD

Hey, I’ve been trying to DEILD for like 3 nights in a row and I just got back into lucid dreaming about a week ago. I’ve started to remember about 3-4 dreams a night again in decent detail. For some reason I wake up after everyone so its the perfect opportunity to DEILD. After one of the 3 dreams I remember last I was able to stay absolutely still after I woke up. I tried imagining the dream I woke up from but I think where I went wrong is when my mind started racing too much about SP and my other dreams in the night rather than just focusing on one dream. Both my hands felt really heavy and I was able to picture some of my dream but then I lost it and woke up fully, how close was i?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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