Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Lucid Dreaming | [Subconscious reprogramming] How to effectively reprogram your mind for lucidity.

Hello everybody! I will be sharing with you guys how to use your mind to achieve whatever you want with lucidity.

There are first somethings that you have to realize.
You have to realize that everything is in the mind. There isn’t things that are affected that are outside of you awareness/thoughts. Your dreaming reality is affected by your mind, and your mind only. Nothing else. This includes waking reality as it influences your dreaming reality as well.

You also have to realize that you are not your thoughts, you are your consciousness, which produces thoughts. You can control your consciousness and therefore as a result the thoughts will become how you’d like them to be.

This can help with any technique, but first you need to be confident in what technique you want to do. Which technique is the easiest to understand, go to that first and start small.

Let’s say you want to do DEILD, and the biggest issue with it you’ve found is “not waking up after each dream”. You would then make a phrase that you want to pass on to your subconscious. Something like “I naturally wake after each dream” or “Each time I wake up, I stay still.” Much like MILD, you wouldn’t use “I will” or “I am going to” or “I might”, things like that. You have to be confident in it.

If you have found a mantra that you liked, but you aren’t feeling confident in it. You might have to do some shadow work based on that mantra.

Shadow work is bringing repressed doubts, fears and thoughts up to the surface of your awareness to be healed.

One simple way to do this is as follows.

When you have found your mantra, really feel how it feels to accept it. If you feel like “OKAY YEAH THIS IS TRUE” then you don’t need to do shadow work for it, if it feels like “eehhh, wellll… i think??” then do this:

Write down your mantra on a piece of paper, in big font.
Then look at it, stare at it, think on it, look at it. Then naturally think and reflect on how this mantra makes you feel.

Then write down all your feelings under that mantra in a smaller font. Everything you can find until it feels like you have found the bottom of it. Then really look at those thoughts and feelings and come to terms with them by logically approaching them and realizing that they are mostly not true. You probably won’t find a valid doubt with shadow work. It either comes down to habbit, or “I haven’t seen proof of it yet”

Now that you have your mantra, and you’re good to go, next thing to do is affirm it.

You do this with meditation. Which is very simple.

Relax and get into a trance-like state (i'll be making a tutorial on how to get into trance-states easier), you'll know when you're in a trance like state when you're very relaxed, disassociated from most of your environment. Focus is clear, no other thoughts, and you'd have to make an active attempt to get out of it.

Then you repeat the mantras. When you say it, make sure you are confident in it and you have no doubts in it. Also intend that each time you say it. The mind realizes it more and more and more.

That is important

Your subconscious already knows what to do, you just need to command it, and lead it to the different mental pathway.

Eventually you will start thinking in ways that revolve around this mantra, and then you will start building habits, then you will start manifesting things that revolve around it, and it will consume your life to rewire your mind. Use it well, use it to your benefit.

Do this a few days in a row, and you're good. You should start seeing results soon.

Thanks for reading! Cya around!!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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