Monday, July 2, 2018

Lucid Dreaming | Lucid dreaming on a busy schedule - need motivation

Hi all,

I'm aware that similar threads exist, but I just wanted to post my situation and get some advice as I feel my angle is slightly different.

As a bit of background, I'm 29 with a 9-6 weekday office job. When I was at university and had a flexible working schedule I was very much into lucid dreaming - I know a lot of the theory and techniques and was able to maintain at least 2 lucids per month, which was a lot for me. As far as I know from theory and experience, you really need these 3 things in order to become lucid:

- A dream journal
- Plenty of RCs
- At least 7 hours sleep

Which brings me to now. Outside of work, family life is also particularly stressful at the moment - to cut a long story short my mum is going through some personal issues and temporarily living with us (essentially 4 people sharing a 2 bedroom flat, and we usually have to alternate between who gets the sofa). We also have a particularly loud and annoying cat. Because of work, family stuff and the necessary me-time I usually find myself going to bed around 1am and waking up at 7:30 each night. I don't currently keep a dream journal and I don't do RCs, although the latter I know is easy to incorporate even into a working day.

So basically, I have a busy schedule and quite a lot of stress which means my quality of sleep isn't always great. RCs I can and will start doing again no problem. But I need help motivation-wise to get over the more general hurdle.

I tried this twice already since starting work - make more time for sleep and dream journalling so that I'd have better quality dreams and more lucids. The problem is that I didn't see any results, and am stuck in a bit of a catch-22. I WANT to have good dreams and lucids, but to do that I need to sacrifice what I consider valuable waking time. And even after that time has been lost, there's no guarantee that I'll have the lucids I want. I know this is unrealistic but I've been questioning myself on and off whether putting in the extra effort is worth the payoff in this case.

I think having more vivid dreams with more control, and more lucids would really benefit my waking life, but on the other hand I don't want to feel like I'm losing time in my already busy life with zero benefit, if or when I see no results. I'm just looking for some encouragement or advice from someone who may know where I'm coming from.

Sorry for the long post, hope it all makes sense!


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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