Monday, July 17, 2017

Lucid Dreaming | How to Increase Success Frequency?

So, I've been delving into lucid dreaming over the past four months or so, treating it like I treat any new skill I learn-- (mostly) daily practice with intent for improvement, research, logging my progress, etc. In the past three months, reading over my logs, I see that I have had between 4 and 6 lucid dreams per month, with July standing currently at 2.

One of my goals is to be able to intentionally go lucid every morning. I've been working with a combination of reality checks, daytime affirmations, WBTB, and mantras. Oh, and daily dream journaling. What I'd like to ask anyone who has achieved the ability to become lucid every time you want: will this routine be effective in increasing LD frequency if I stick with it? Or are there other exercises I can do to really ram home to my subconscious what I'm trying to do? I mean, I've been browsing around the internet and looking at various techniques, but which ones have some of you found are the MOST effective for creating habitual, intentional states of lucidity in a reliable manner?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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