Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Lucid Dreaming | Five years, still no lucid dream!

Since discovering the concept of LD over five years ago, I can count potential lucid dreams I've had on less than one hand, those that may qualify haven't corresponded to any technique I've tried, so I'm yet to find a 'way'.

Over the years, I have tried all the techniques I've come across, most for (I'd have thought) a substantial amount of time, as well as a few of the well-known programmes and 'key texts'. I've previously tried WILD, MILD, WBTB and a whole host of others, as well as some visualisation practices and listening to binaural beats. None have been so far successful. I have a feeling that once I crack a few, the rest will start to come more naturally, but I've just not managed to tap into that well of lucid dreams yet. I feel like my motivation is wavering. It's hard to get that back, and I worry that this lack of motivation may actually be further affecting my ability to LD.

These are some facts about my habits:
- I Try to keep consistent sleep pattern (generally 22:30/23:00-7:00).
- I definitely dream, and when really motivated can usually remember and record three dreams a night, average. I record in as much detail as I can (I have three Moleskine's full), so remembering dreams isn't an issue for me.
- I meditate regularly.

For the last few months, I've half-mindedly given up I think, just being at the mercy of my dreams. I'd love some help if anyone can. Perhaps if someone's been in the same situation and found something that works. Thanks!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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