Sunday, June 4, 2017

Lucid Dreaming | Insight on breaking the dryspell, stress, difficulty sleeping remembering, staying motivated.

*edit* I can't edit title, sorry if it seemed as if I was providing the insight, I meant it more as a question for help, sorry.*

Hello, when I first discovered lucid dreaming over 8 years ago I had no shortage of motivation to research everything about lucid dreaming and to really practice in attaining them. I did actually have success and had several in the first few years but I never felt as though I was becoming consistent. The inconveniences of life and stress in recent years seemed to have made me incapable of getting back into the mindset. Now it feels as though I can't recapture that magic of discovering something new and life transformative, because I know lucid dreaming is very incredible in my few brief experiences with them and I know they can only become more vivid and immersive.

It really is something I want to have actively however, it seems I am in a rut. I don't know if I suffer from some kind of mild insomnia or just find myself thinking too much, becoming physically uncomfortable, but I have difficulty just trying fall asleep and staying asleep. I end up needing to get up multiple times to use the restroom and I get intrusive thoughts that ruin my ability to relax. I try to do relaxation exercises which do work sometimes but other times they seem to make my mind more active. I can't seem to hold onto the idea of lucid dreaming through the various techniques like MILD or WILD and I rarely find myself able to somehow become aware inside of a dream for a DILD given the entire night isn't a blur and I can actually stay asleep long enough to remember the dream.

Recently, I have been going back and reading through the big technique guides here on Dreamviews to re-introduce lucid dreaming to myself as a means of motivation. I started actively using a dream journal again about half a year ago and have recorded some interesting dreams but I never feel it becoming consistent and lucidity continues to be elusive. I have been trying to meditate during the week to calm down which has helped some in my daily life.

So I ask, what is it I need to do? What am I missing? Should I try to re-obsess like I did years ago and read thoroughly information about lucid dreaming? Is my lack of success somehow attributed to my lifestyle choices I am making, even things such as diet and leisure activities which could somehow be influencing my sleep or lack there of? Or is there something unknown holding me back?

Any insight or words of motivation are greatly appreciated, thank you.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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