Saturday, March 25, 2017

Lucid Dreaming | Lucid dreams feel fake

Hi everyone,

after listening to some Sensei audio I've returned to Dreamviews! However, with that also comes a question that's been on my mind for quite some time now.

I've had a fair few lucid dreams. I've had those where you realize you're dreaming and almost instantly woke up, but far more commonly I get dreams where I very quickly lose lucidity or it feels like even though I think I'm still lucid, I barely have any conscious control over my decisions. Surprisingly I can generally control my dreams very well, but what I do in them feels like it's my brain pretending I'm lucid dreaming. Like I'm watching a VR movie in first person, or like I'm lucid dreaming while in a half sleeping state.

Note that I don't mean I'm losing lucidity (although that tends to happen sooner or later too. Maybe this whole thing is just the early stages of losing lucidity in the dream for me) but it feels like while I'm still lucid, I'm making decisions on autopilot. I'll sort of know I'm dreaming but not feel like I am consciously in control.

Will this feeling pass with practice? The lucid dreams I've had so far were all short and quite muddled, but super interesting. I know duration and vividness increase over time with practice, but I wanted to ask the people here if they've had any experiences like this and if the quality of their dreams picked up after more practice.


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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