Sunday, January 2, 2022

Lucid Dreaming | MILD hypothesis

Happy new year everyone, full of lucid discoveries !

I will present some hypothesis about MILD that i am happy to submit to different opinions.

So, according to the MILD described in ETWOLD, the third step is to focus your intent and say to yourself " next time I am dreaming i want to remember i am dreaming ".

I have always thought this step is not perfectly ajusted or at least not very well phrased ( first because it is redundant and second because i have always thought that MILD does not work because of prospective memory but because of pavlovian response and mechanisms of association)

The first part of the sentence says "next time I am dreaming". How am I supposed to .know next time I am dreaming ?
If we go literally by the meaning of the sentence why do I need to remember that I am dreaming, if i can fulfill the implicit action of the first part of the sentence ?

So i think it is not well phrased. we should supress the first part of the sentence because it is redundant and makes too long a mantra. Even if this redundancy (or even the whole step)turns out to serve the purpose of intention reinforcement, i think it can be shortened (hypotheses 1)

I personally think the four step of mild is really what makes it effective, and maybe we could go a step further and instead of rephrasing the third step we could just simplify and dispense it for good (hypothesis 2) and let the mind absorb and concentrate on the meaning of the visualization of the fourth step, with the outcome to prove being non-inferiority in terms of lucidity induction.

The third ypothesis (3) is to demonstrate that mild is nothing but the training of the mind to notice dreamsigns and not to remember anything besides what a dreamsign is. That in my mind is what gives meaning and purpose to reality check practice. I don't reality check because I think I might be dreaming. I do it because I want my mind to remember to RC everytime I see something similar to my dreams, and i have chosen to RC when I feel surprised or curious, or shocked or my memory does not work properly or feel confused. I am sure there are other things to chose to RC about, and other personal dreamsigns, but i feel that this little emotion called surprise or strangeness is ubiquitous in dreams.

And so comes another hypothesis (4). We can clarify our mind.about the desire to notice dreamsigns, and so experiment with another "third step" mantra - something along the lines " i will remember to reality check when I "insert dreamsign" " - followed by visualization as suggested in the fourth step.

So, let me know your thoughts

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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