Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Question: How Far Can a Slingshot Shoot?

Slingshots are weapons that have been around a long time, and they are still used today for recreation, small game hunting and, in some rare cases, even self-defense or other special-purpose tasks.

Compared to the simple slingshots crafted by mankind in eras past, modern slingshots might as well have been designed by NASA: Instead of a simple forked stick with some rubber tubing or strapping strung between them, modern slingshots are made of high-tech synthetics, alloys or composite materials with state-of-the-art elastics and optimized geometry for launch and all kinds of projectiles.

So, just what is a slingshots maximum range? The maximum range of a slingshot that is being employed in a hunting capacity is at most 20 to 25 yards on the extreme end. This will naturally be dictated by the shooter’s skill, the quality of the slingshot, its band, and the ammunition being fired. It’s possible to score hits farther, and indeed the slingshot may be plenty accurate beyond this range, but any projectile they fire will have lost too much energy to be effective.

hunting slingshot

The power, accuracy and range of modern slingshots is impressive but often overstated, with many tall tales floating around making bold claims of 75 or 100 yard shots that successfully brought down game.

If you are interested in extending your slingshot’s maximum range, you need to know what all the factors are that affect it. Read through the following sections to get a better understanding of what you might need to change if you are trying to go for a successful long range shot!

What’s Your Purpose?

Before you do anything else, consider your purpose. Are you just trying to nail a distant target, even a small one, just for giggles?

If that is the case, maybe you don’t need to worry so much about actual performance enhancements since the consequences of a miss or a marginal hit are minimal to nonexistent.

You can draw, hold high and start lobbing shots to your heart’s content. So long as you are confident of getting feedback to know you have hit, what is the harm?

But hunting or other special purposes, like knocking out cameras, street lights or other objects in a tactical situation means that your projectile must be capable of imparting sufficient energy when it makes impact.

If it strikes with pinpoint precision but with all the force of a thrown grape, you are kind of defeating your purpose!

At any rate, unless you are some highly specialized commando-type or are living through a long-term emergency, you are probably just using your slingshot for hunting if you are using it for any serious purpose.

In that context, assuming you are after small or medium-sized game animals, your maximum effective range is probably going to be between 10 and 25 yards, with that max effective range determined predominantly by your skill, the construction of the slingshot and the ammunition chosen.

This max effective range is the range at which you cannot reliably kill humanely the animal you are shooting.

It is entirely possible to shoot at and hit accurately an animal beyond these ranges, but the vast majority of slingshots shooting the vast majority of ammo types will no longer be powerful enough to guarantee a clean kill, though they can certainly stun.


Slingshots are famous for being able to employ a wide variety of ammo, everything from various sizes of BB or ball to specialty projectiles like fully-fledged arrows, darts, and bolts.

The choice of ammunition more than most other factors will dictate your effective range, but even this particular factor is deceptively complex.

An aerodynamic projectile like an arrow, dart or pellet will be less affected by drag but one must also consider the weight of the projectile in this equation. A heavier projectile launched with a given force will have a lower initial speed but will be less affected by wind and drag.

The reverse is true for a lighter projectile; the lighter it is the higher the initial speed but the more affected it will be by drag.

Generally speaking, the typical ammunition used for hunting with a slingshot is a steel or lead ball, though sometimes glass marbles or even composite ammunition made of wax and other material can be used.

Determining the ideal diameter, size and weight of a given projectile is the only way to establish your effective maximum range with your chosen ammo type.

Slingshot Type

For as simple as slingshots are, there sure is a wide variety when it comes to type, style, building materials and features.

Though the functional mechanics of every slingshot are the same, the devil is always in the details with design as well as material choices, counting more than you think when it comes to effective range.

The quintessential slingshot consisting of little more than a forked branch with an elastic band strung between them might propel your chosen projectile as far as a more modern option, but chances are it will not do it with as much accuracy or as consistently.

Contrast this with the latest and greatest and modernized slingshots made from composite materials or high-tech alloys and you’ll see a world of difference when it comes to increasing your maximum range.

The current paradigm in long-range slingshots are called starships. These are slingshots that feature a long and sturdy forearm brace mated to a grip that projects the forks very far ahead of the firing hand.

This is a comparatively simple trick that serves to greatly increase the draw length of the attached band, maximizing potential energy and thus maximizing velocity upon loosing your shot.

Also, the band itself is critically important to maximizing power and thus effective range. A simple strip of vulcanized rubber can do the job, or even a bungee cord, but you’ll always get best performance and longest life out of a slingshot-specific band.

One should also keep in mind that these bands degrade with every single draw and release cycle, and the lifespan of a given band is dependent upon usage conditions as well as its inherent durability. A slingshot band that is nearing the end of its useful life will have noticeably degraded power.


A slingshot that is optimized for hunting with a correct band, correct ammunition and wielded by a shooter of adequate skill can place a shot decisively and accurately onto a small target that is 20 to 25 yards away.

It is entirely possible to strike a target much farther away than that, but terminal effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

via Modern Survival Online

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