Sunday, January 26, 2020

Lucid Dreaming | Did anyone try this? Type of RC/ADA

Im trying out this "way" for preforming RC/Awarness.

Maybe there are posts about it, but i can't seem to find the exact name for it.
Maybe "Jewelry/Item Awareness"

Its very simple.
During the day, for as long as I can, I just keep "some" of my awarness on my wedding ring.

I can do it for long because i can do it mid work, and even while im driving.
Sometimes when my awarness is too preoccupied, for example, when Im talking with customers or preform tasks that demand more attention i "lose" this awareness but then i just "remember" to return it back to the ring.

It's like a feeling that my ring is constantly emiting heat or something.
(All of this is the awareness part).

Once in a while i also actually look and inspect the ring, touch it, make sure its there and that it is solid.
(This is the RC part).

I started it yesterday, and of course it needs time to actually do something (or not).

Sometimes i even "trick" my mind.
I take off the ring and put it in my pocket.
The "feeling" still remains (even after only 1 day i felt it when waking in the morning).
Its like a "phantom limb" feeling.

I have my wedding ring for over a year, and i never feel it nor notice it, it's weightless and like part of my body.
But for the last 2 days, i can actualy feel its weight and "heat", for a very big percentage of the time.

Of course it can be done with any jewelry, braclet or watch.

Did anyone tried something like this.. and had any results?

I know that its not "all" of my awarness focusing on the ring, only a "branch" of it.. but who knows..maybe its enough to make me more alert and take me out of "auto-pilot" more often.

As i said its only the second day, but i will keep posting the results..

The first night I had zero dream recall (which is strange cause i always remember atleast 1 dream).
But it happened before... ADA negativly affects my recall... i dont know if its because im "over doing" it or something... but lets see what happens...

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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