Thursday, May 2, 2019

Lucid Dreaming | Had a series of dry spells, now I'm trying to remember basic practices.

I've had abnormally low LD rates for the past several months. Between June 2017 and November 2018, I had an average of 23 LDs per month (median of 17). In the last 6 months, I've gotten between 5-15 per month, and I'm really struggling to break out of that.

I try to cover the basics:
-General Daytime Awareness (nose plug RC, 10-15/day; started using the Gravity RC)
-Detailed Dream Journal (variable levels of detail)
-Getting enough sleep (8 hours is the target)
-Having a regular schedule

I feel like I'm missing something critical that I forgot. So, I'm currently studying everything I did to achieve high rates in the last 2 years. Here's a couple of things I did:

-Alternating Strategies - Every night, I attempted either WILD or Full WBTB + SSILD, switching between them every night. This arguably gave both approaches a higher success rate than doing either of them exclusively.
-WBTBs were ~8-20 minutes each.
-Burnout has been practically nonexistent, including in these recent months. It happens, but not often.

A large number of LDs were spontaneous DILDs. Hopefully the Gravity RC will help in bringing those back.

I think I should WILD like it all depends on WILD, and RC like it all depends on DILD. I think that recently I've been slacking in RCs because I've been depending on WILD being successful; which has not turned out as well as I'd like so far.

I posted this in the hopes that the wonderful folks of DV could help me fill in the gaps.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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