Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Lucid Dreaming | Needing some advice to attain lucidity

Hey everyone, Ive been trying to attain lucidity for about a month now with no avail. I’ve mostly been focusing on wild and WBTB with WILD. I’d like to give a few experiences and hopefully someone can give me some advice to help achieve lucidity next time i try. First off, i just woke from a nap in which i attempted WILD. I had headphones in which played binaural beats and a beep would occur around every 20 seconds to keep my mind awake. I was sitting there drifting away and i all of the sudden was in like a scene (not yet a dream i don’t think) and clearly remember what i did but i had no clue i was in a dream and then the beep occurred and i like “snapped out of it.” It’s like i could see what was going on but it wasn’t developed yet and even the undeveloped parts i had no clue i was in a dream. I’m guessing i just drifted off and then the beep woke me up. But anyways i seemed to stay awake for some time and nothing ever becomes paralyzed and rarely ever to i hear faint noises and i never experience imagery, this continues for 10-15 minutes then all of a sudden i look and it’s two hours later! I must’ve fallen asleep but definitely didn’t dream. This happens with my WBTB techniques too, it’s like after I’m up my mind doesn’t dream for the next segment of sleep.

I recently started taking dream lead after a little impatience with the process (i know i know it takes time) and the first two nights the only difference I’ve seen is the first pill knocking me right out, other than that i don’t think i notice anything different.

I am close to being able to call my RCs a true habit but not quite there yet.

I haven’t tried MILD and WBTB or really any other technique yet. I have a super powerful memory when it comes to the real world but obviously I’m not remembering enough of my dreams considering remembering 4 is a good night and most nightha i only remember 1.

I’m going to try just taking the red pill tonight to see if it sparks anything in me since i believe the blue pill is being too sedative.

Any thoughts? Any recommended techniques? Anything you clearly see I’m doing wrong?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity https://ift.tt/2Gec4HT

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