Friday, August 18, 2017

Lucid Dreaming | Reviving Lucidity Questions

So it's been a good three years since I've gotten into this practice and I want to start it up again. Back into meditation, giving up smoking, gone vegan, other info I can't discuss. Skimming around the old threads and tutorials I fear that I'm forgetting some stuff. As for reviving my old routine:

1) Record dreams upon waking up.
2) Supplements galore: 5-HTP, B6&12, et cetera.
3) Reality checks. Looking at my broken finger and checking if it's still broken.
4) Waking up at absurd times of the night to induce deeper sleep.
5) MILDs.

Luckily over this hiatus I've been getting a few sprinkle of lucid dreams, some vivid, others forgettable. As for questions:
How much has changed with the website and practices(new& old)?
Has anyone gone insane yet?
Are there any new techniques that I should review for LD'ing?
Tips, tricks, advice?

I'll be here for a while whilst playing with that 'weightlifting' forum, good lord. Nice to see this community again.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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