Sunday, April 2, 2017

Lucid Dreaming | 97% of the people won't believe this triggers LD

This night I woke up from a dream. It was a rather dull/average dream. And I felt like I could go back there if I put in the will/effort. I even thought of making it lucid and changing the dream because it was so dull. But I got lazy and thought it was too much work and I'd rather just fall asleep and black out sort of.Too bad because this could have been one of my first DEILDs

The thing is, I haven't put much effort except for a little intention to LD these last past days. Except in a chat I mentioned that when I wake from lucid dreams and hold on to them I can re-enter them at will. I did not put much thought into it yet, this little re-affirmation of facts must have been the trigger for my DEILD last night because it was floating into my conscious awareness at night. That this simple re-affirmation has such a powerful effect that it almost has me into a LD. Is simply astonishing really. Maybe that's the key. Simply remembering or believing that you can LD and HOW TO DO IT. And having this fact float into ur awareness might be enough to LD.

Anyone else have this little nuggets that trigger LDs ? There must be a 1000 ways really

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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