Monday, April 6, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Just achieved sleep paralysis without drug influence for the first time.

A few minutes ago I woke up from a nap I took because I was tired. My neck was in a really uncomfortable position so I tried to move it but I couldn't. I realized I was in sleep paralysis. As good news to me as this was I couldn't possibly work with it in such a uncomfortable position. After moving into a better position I attempted to go into sleep paralysis. At first I thought I was going to do it. I was feeling this buzzing sensation all around my body though I felt to fidgety so it didn't work. So this is the very first time I got sleep paralysis since I stopped taking a drug called seroquel. In fact this might have been the very first time I got sleep paralysis with no drug influence at all. Though nothing happened this proves to me I am capable of sleep paralysis without taking anything to induce. This is definitely good news for me regarding my attempts to get lucid dreams without drug influence. But one thing I did realize was this was maybe the first time I took a nap in the afternoon since I got off seroquel. I know the majority of times I got sleep paralysis on seroquel was when I took a nap in the afternoon. I'd probably get sleep paralysis a lot easier again if I took seroquel. But is it not a coincidence the one time I take nap around the afternoon I get sleep paralysis?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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