Thursday, April 23, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – April 24th, 2015

It wasn’t until Thursday night when I realized my “From the Desk of…..” never went live for Thursday. Sorry about that.

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America has changed a lot in the past couple decades. Many believe not for the better. Yesterday I saw that it is predicted that over the next 8 years the immigrant population(combination of legal and illegal) will hit 51 million people and account for more than 80% of the entire population growth.

I am not against legal immigration. This is not good news for the future of America.

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Bruce Jenner was a great athlete. Now? Who cares? I don’t. If the guy wants to get his junk removed and get breast implants and dance around in a dress that’s up to him. While there are Progressives out there celebrating his new found change like he’s found the cure for cancer I say he is a couple cans short of a six pack. And that’s being nice.

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Russia is said to be prepared to supply arms to Mexico if the United States delivers weapons to Ukraine. The purpose of the arms to Mexico would be to generate a conflict between the US and Mexico over land which many Mexicans believe still belong to Mexico.

I have said it before – Russia is getting more and more dangerous.

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Man bitten in face while trying to kiss venomous snake. “

Hmmmm……I call this a case of natural selection.

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Going to have a really cool giveaway next Wednesday. Make sure you check in.

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Have had several people join the Patriots – the new membership program here on ModernSurvivalOnline. If interested click HERE. So far I have gotten good reports. Thanks!

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Anyone remember this?








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