Monday, April 27, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – April 28th, 2015


As of this writing the situation in Baltimore is getting worse. Rumors are spreading that rival gangs have called a truths and will work together to take out police officers. 15 officers have been injured – some seriously. Vehicles are being set on fire and there is continuous looting going on.


I understand the community being upset about a man dying in custody of the police department but the actions of those that are rioting will do nothing to further their cause. In fact – I firmly believe that by far most of those rioting could care less about anyone except themselves. All they are doing is taking advantage of a bad situation. The officers responsible for whatever wrongdoing was done should be held accountable….period.

Notice I did not use the word “black” or “African-American”. It doesn’t matter what color the looters are. It doesn’t matter what color the victim was. We are all people. Those looting assclowns should spend a good long while in jail.


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I have really been enjoying audio books during my commute to work. I had never thought I would enjoy listening to some guy read a book. Many of these narrators get into the characters and change their voice, take on accents, and do a great job telling the story. I listen on my cell phone and laptop. What a time saver!

I even discovered that some non-fiction books are available as an audio book. A few examples are Retreat Security and Small Unit Tactics(only $1.99 as of this publication), How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It, and The Grid Down Prepper. If you are new to audio books Amazon has some special offers to get you started. Check them out HERE.

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100 burpees in 13 minutes and 46 seconds. Not bad. If you have never done a burpee – give it a shot. They suck.

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It appears that the Clinton campaign is at least stalling. I suspect that her followers will soon forget and her march to the White House will continue.

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I went to Cabela’s and picked up a box of .22 MAgnum and a few other trinkets. What was interesting was the response of the cashier when I handed her a $100. She said, “Ohh… I hardly ever see cash anymore.” Probably true. I usually do not pay with cash however my wife and I are starting an envelope system for budgeting. Anyways this is just another sign that “money” today hardly has anything to do with actual paper dollars. Everything is electronic including the billions the Federal Reserve loans the US Government.

The only value the US dollar has is just the belief that it actually has value.




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