Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Advice for DILD/MILD?

Hello, i was looking for advice you experienced with lucid dreaming may have with the DILD method.
I have only been going for about 9-10 days, but think this would be a good way to get advice and correct any problems with my method.

So here is what i do
-every morning wake up, write down what i remember, generally can remember 1 dream, more like a couple pictures from the dream
-within 5-10 minutes of waking up do reality checks
-Throughout the rest of the day, whenever my mind reminds me i do reality checks (generally 10-30 minutes), Since i currently have problems actually doubting reality i tend to do 3, then think back on whether what occurred usually happens, along with repeating my mantra "remember i'm dreaming, remember my dream)
-Throughout the day i also try to practice ADA, and also sometimes try to remember how i got where i am (last 5 minutes or so)
-I get away from all electronics about 20 minutes before bed take about 5 mg of melatonin, then think back on what has occurred today (this helps with memory?)
-I then spend the next 15-20 minutes meditating
-I then go to sleep repeat my mantra a couple times, then imagine how i am going to become lucid

Also i should mention that since i'm currently in high-school, any method that involves waking up during the night isn't really for me, i'll try them during the weekend but don't think they are the type i want to rely on

Is there anything there i can improve or change?
Now for some questions
-What is a good way to stay optimistic? since even though i've only been at it a couple days, it's hard to keep believing it's going to happen, especially when i see that some people don't have it mastered after a more than a year
-What are good ways to doubt reality when reality checking Do i want to believe that i can do the reality checks (breathe when nose is pinched)?
-Am i actually supposed to try to notice everything during ADA
-What do i want to focus on with meditating, clearing the mind, or focusing on what i'm going to dream?
-How many times should i repeat my mantra before i go to sleep?

Any other advice is appreciated

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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