Thursday, April 30, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – May 1st, 2015

Picked up a pellet rifle Thursday night. Guy was selling is used locally. This is a piston model rated at 1000 fps with .177 cal pellets. Will play with it some this weekend.


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The issues with visiting MSO and it setting off alarms with some anti-virus softwares should be over. I did find that a “hosted image” from an advertiser was pulling from a website with an expired “certificate”. Hey – I don’t understand all this stuff but I removed the link and it seems to be fine now.

If you still experience any problems let me know.

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CHICAGO (Reuters) – Bird flu has been identified at five new sites in Iowa, including a commercial egg-laying operation in Buena Vista County that houses an estimated 5.5 million birds, the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship said on Thursday.

If highly pathogenic avian influenza is confirmed at the egg-laying site by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the total number of U.S. cases would surpass 20 million birds, the most in U.S. history.

Not good news folks. This situation has been getting worse and worse over the past few months.

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Anyone handle the Glock 43? I like my Shield 9mm.

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Going to finish planting the garden this weekend and hope to get started in a chicken coop. Weather is supposed to be nice.

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Ruger has come out with the Mini-14 in .300 Blackout. I like the Mini-14 however it is WAY overpriced. If you could buy one new for $500-$575 the gun would make much more sense to me. $825+? I don’t think so.

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Hope everyone has a great weekend!!



Like Westerns? Like true stories? Check this out…..

True Story Of Kill Or Be Killed In The Real Old WestGunspincowboy

Long time ModernSurvivalOnline advertiser Jim Huebner discovered this one-of-a-kind memoir hidden way in an abandoned barn near of all places – -Disney World in modern day Florida.

If you’ve ever wondered what it was like to strap on a six-gun in the real Old West and have a face-off-in-the-street gunfight where only the fastest gunslinger walks away – – then this recently discovered memoir by one of the Old West’s most feared (but virtually unknown today) gunfighter, hired gun regulator and lawman immerses you in what it was like to live and die in the real Wild West.

Click this link to see rare video review of this rare memoir:





ModernSurvivalOnline and Anti-Virus software

Hello all –

I have heard from several people that when they visit this website they are getting alert messages that state the site may be dangerous and to have caution. Most are using the same anti-virus software. There is nothing going on with MSO. Often many of these anti-virus programs use a similar “library” of websites which to index from to warn people about. It appears that somehow MSO has been flagged for some reason or another.

Each anti-virus software has a setting you can go to to exclude a site that you know is fine. If it becomes a problem you can either change virus software or go in and add to the exemption or safe list.



Click to Enlarge

And yes – I have heard that many Conservative and Preparedness websites are making it to the list.


Thanks – Rourke


Chess Puzzle | 4/30/2015 - Mate in 5

via - Play. Learn. Share.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – April 30th, 2015

Came across a women in Atlanta videotaping a tirade against America. She yells “f$%& your flag!!!” and jumps up and down on a US flag laying on the ground. She has every right to do that and I support that right. I also have every right to email the video to her boss at WAOK radio in Atlanta.

By the way – she is the Community Affairs Director at the station.

Not any more…..

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The US economy barely grew at a measly .2 percent the 1st quarter of 2015. There are many that believe all the pieces of a very bad puzzle are coming together to lead the US to collapse.

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Fresh strawberries are ready here in South Carolina. Time to can some strawberry jam.

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I have managed to build up my inventory of .22 Magnum  – 600 rounds. Still tough to find. My local gun shop – who recently opened an online store – has tons of .22LR. If you are interested in giving them a call to order some let me know. Prices are pretty good.

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Special announcement coming for members of the Patriots. Pretty cool! Stay tuned!

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I grow tired of hearing the White House exclaim that the economy is growing and is strong. What a crock!


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Hey – the weekend is almost here, the world is falling apart at the seams – but we can still laugh…..






5 radios for emergency preparedness

The morning after Hurricane Hugo devastated my community there was one thing in common most everyone was searching for – information. Many were without power thus they could not turn on the TV. I jumped in my 1983 FOrd Escort POS and turned on the radio. Reports were flowing in on wide spread power outages, destruction, impassable roads, and stories from those who witness Hugo’s raw power. We also received updates from Emergency Services and local power companies on when help could be expected.

Today things are not much different. Although communication has changed drastically since 1989 much of it is still at the mercy of electrical power. Radio – specifically AM/FM radio – remains the most reliable method to gain information in a disaster where power is interrupted.

There are a gazillion radios to choose from. Here are 7 that would be very useful in an emergency:

1. Kaito V1R Voyager AM/FM/SW Solar/Dynamo Radio with  LED Flashlight713nDh0mTlL._SX522_

This solar-powered radio can also be hand cranked for power to keep you connected and informed. Also runs on 3 AAA batteries (not included). 1 Minute of cranking powers up to 15 minutes of radio listening or 1 hour of light.  A built-in USB port lets you charge your small USB-rechargeable device like smart phones (Does NOT charge apple products) Bands include AM/FM, and shortwave. The 3-LED flashlight works very well and it has a built in HD speaker as well as an earphone jack.

At around $25.00 it is a very good value.


812w2ZRW98L._SL1500_2. Kaito Voyager Pro KA600 Digital Solar/Dynamo AM/FM/LW/NOAA/SW Emergency Radio

The KA600 is packed with features including all the bands listed above PLUS solar charging the built in battery. The Kaito can also be powered via included AC plug as well as 3 AA batteries. It has an automatic alarm as part of the NOAA weather alert system so if severe inclement weather OR some other danger is evident the alarm will go off. There is a built in alarm clock, temperature reading, and a 5 LED flashlight. There are 335 memory spots for programming a crazy amount of stations for listening. Great if you travel and the stations change from one location to another.

Cost around $69.00 and is well worth it.


pSNYNA-ICFS10MK2_main_v5003. Sony AM/FM Pocket Radio Model ICF-S10MK2

Inexpensive but highly portable dual band radio. Covers the AM and FM bands and is powered with 2 AA batteries. Telescoping antenna provides excellent range. Built in 3.5mm earphone jack allows for private listening.

This radio has over 2,000 5 star reviews on Amazon and has been manufactured for years. Cost is around $12.00 – a bargain.


41A3XJfdE8L4. Midland ER102 Dynamo AM/FM/NOAA Radio

Features include 7 weather channels in addition to all AM/FM stations. Extendable antenna brings in distant signals and the built in rechargeable battery can be recharged via the hand crank system. Weather alert system will alarm to warn of impending situation. Temperature is displayed and there is a built in alarm clock. Runs on common AAA batteries(requires three). Unique is the radio alerts you if the temperature drops below freezing. There is a USB port to charge devices or batteries via the hand crank and the radio is water resistant.

Did I mention there is also a built in LED flashlight? A lot of features for around $40.00.


5. Eton FRX5 AM/FM/NOAA Hand Crank Emergency Radio with Alerts

This is an extremely nice radio with tons of features. AM/FM bands are covered as well as NOAA frequencies. It has a built in alert system in case of impending bad weather. Built in solar panel will fully charge the radio in 5-6  hours of full sunlight. There is a built in 2000mAh Lithium Ion battery for high power and long life. The radio can be powered via 3 AAA batteries as well or by hand cranking. DC power input via mini USB port.


Of note is the ability to charge most ALL cell phones AND tablets. It has a built in 2.1A USB port which is required for many modern cell phones such as iPhones. This is not a common feature but very welcome.

There are many more features. At a little under $100.00 this is the cadillac of  emergency radios.

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This short list represents just a few of the radio communication options available. Most importantly is to have something you are happy with and back up batteries.

Remember – one is none and two is one. Have multiple back ups – just in case.

By the way – I have each of the radios above #1 through #4. All are excellent. #5 is on my “want” list.

Take care all –





3 Fixes to Make Your Home Tornado-Resistant


By Cherie

Data compiled by the Insurance Information Institute found that the years between 2008 and 2013 represented the five highest years of insured losses due to tornadoes in U.S. history. A 2013 report by U.K. insurance firm Lloyd’s of London concluded that the atmospheric phenomena known as El Nino and La Nina contributed to increased tornado activity in those years and beyond. The report, however, did not directly correlate climate change and recent tornado intensity.

Without notice, there’s little you as a homeowner can do to prevent damage if a tornado is headed your way. However, if you’re in an area that is prone to tornadoes, there are several upgrades and precautionary measures that you take to make your home as tornado-resistant as possible.

Tornado hitting a house

Here are a few tips:

Safe Room

Moore, Oklahoma, was hit with one of the most devastating tornadoes ever recorded in May 2013. It caused nearly $2 billion in damages and cost 24 people their lives. Oklahoma is part of “tornado alley,” but Mike Hancock, of Edmond-based Basement Contractors, told CNN that less than 1 percent of homes in Moore have basements. Additionally, less than 3 percent of homes in Oklahoma City have them. High water tables, shallow freeze lines, and the subsequent high costs to build them are the main reasons most Oklahoma homes lack basements.

A safe room built to FEMA specifications can be retrofitted in any home for about $6,000. The agency provides detailed blueprints to fortify one room in any home with steel-reinforced cinder blocks and other safeguards pursuant to International Code Council (ICC) 500 standards. It’s best to build your safe room in a garage or large closet big enough for your whole family to fit in, along with pets and valuables.

Proper anchoring and material manipulation are essential to building safe rooms, so it’s not an ideal DIY venture. As with any home improvement project, get at least three quotes from contractors to get the best price and terms.

Cable-Tite System

Roofing companies today offer several features with their products, such as six-nail fastening systems and lifetime warranties on shingles to help mitigate wind and storm damage costs. But the bottom line remains unchanged; once the roof comes off your home, there’s no saving the rest of it.

Randy Shackelford, an engineer with structural systems firm Simpson Strong-Tie, told Popular Mechanics that the minimum home building standards required by International Residential Code are inadequate. He recommends continuous load paths, chains, or cables that tie down the entire structure to the foundation are the first steps to making homes wind-resistant.

Cable-Tite is one such solution. It’s a system of cables running through a home’s walls that connect (tie-down) the roof to the foundation. The cables keep the roof from being ripped off by high winds, even if it somehow detaches.

Small Fixes

Shutters are ideal for covering windows when tornados strike. Homes that don’t have them can utilize PlyLox Window Clips and pre-cut plywood boards to cover all windows in a matter of 20 minutes. Homes with connected garages should also reinforce the door with braces—once the door comes off the garage, consider the whole house destroyed due to the air pressure.

There is no real way to tornado-proof a home, but these fixes will help keep your family safe and minimize damage.


Lucid Dreaming | Advice for DILD/MILD?

Hello, i was looking for advice you experienced with lucid dreaming may have with the DILD method.
I have only been going for about 9-10 days, but think this would be a good way to get advice and correct any problems with my method.

So here is what i do
-every morning wake up, write down what i remember, generally can remember 1 dream, more like a couple pictures from the dream
-within 5-10 minutes of waking up do reality checks
-Throughout the rest of the day, whenever my mind reminds me i do reality checks (generally 10-30 minutes), Since i currently have problems actually doubting reality i tend to do 3, then think back on whether what occurred usually happens, along with repeating my mantra "remember i'm dreaming, remember my dream)
-Throughout the day i also try to practice ADA, and also sometimes try to remember how i got where i am (last 5 minutes or so)
-I get away from all electronics about 20 minutes before bed take about 5 mg of melatonin, then think back on what has occurred today (this helps with memory?)
-I then spend the next 15-20 minutes meditating
-I then go to sleep repeat my mantra a couple times, then imagine how i am going to become lucid

Also i should mention that since i'm currently in high-school, any method that involves waking up during the night isn't really for me, i'll try them during the weekend but don't think they are the type i want to rely on

Is there anything there i can improve or change?
Now for some questions
-What is a good way to stay optimistic? since even though i've only been at it a couple days, it's hard to keep believing it's going to happen, especially when i see that some people don't have it mastered after a more than a year
-What are good ways to doubt reality when reality checking Do i want to believe that i can do the reality checks (breathe when nose is pinched)?
-Am i actually supposed to try to notice everything during ADA
-What do i want to focus on with meditating, clearing the mind, or focusing on what i'm going to dream?
-How many times should i repeat my mantra before i go to sleep?

Any other advice is appreciated

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 4/29/2015 - Mate in 3

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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Anti-lucid mechanism?

Hello DreamViews community!
So I have been having a bit of problem with my lucid experiences. Often times I become pre-lucid ( Asking myself if I am in a dream ) but my brain, being the incredible idiot it is decides that it needs to trick me. Sometimes right before I look at my hands, pinch myself, try to stop breathing and such an event occurs the moment I decide and I lose focus.

For ex: I was eating chocolate but it tasted like bannanas, so I turned to my friend and realized that he didn't have any arms! I asked myself if this was a dream, and as I was in the process of doing a reality test he explained that he was in a car accident, and explained the whole story IN DETAIL! Or another time I met a celebrity but my brain plays it off by suddenly having paparazzi surronding them or things like that.

It seems my brain doesn't want me to become lucid. I know this probably sound ludicrous to alot of you, but it makes everything so real that I lose my connection between conciousnesses. This has happened 2-3 times now in the past week and I am becoming very close to attaining lucidity. If you have any experience in this PLEASE leave a reply, it would really help me out! :D

- JjackGaming

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

From the Desk of John Rourke – April 29th, 2015

I periodically post few pictures from my Instagram account. I enjoy Instagram seeing all the unique pictures and videos on a variety of different topics.

Here are a few of mine:


Giveaway: Kelly Kettle Trekker


I recently published a review on the Kelly Kettle cook system. Great product. Emergency Essentials and I have teamed up to give a Kelly Kettle Trekker away to one lucky reader.


Here is how to enter:

  • Leave a comment to this post sharing your most recent preparedness efforts. It may be you bought a bunch of candles, maybe you planted your garden, or maybe you ordered some books. Whatever you have recently done to move you forward in prep’s just mention it here. All comments will count as one entry(one comment per person please).
  • Mention ModernSurvivalOnline and this giveaway on a forum, social media, your own blog, or some other website – and each mention with a link to MSO will count as an entry. If you do this just send me an email at emergencycd (at) and give me the links/information as to what you did. Each link pointing to ModernSurvivalOnline earns an entry into the contest.

Any emails sent please include “contest entry” as the subject.


A drawing will be held on May 5th and the winner will be announced on Wednesday May 6th. I will post a couple reminders between now and then.

The Kelly Kettle Trekker is a very nice and useful survival tool.

Special thanks to Emergency Essentials for sponsoring the giveaway.

Good luck everyone!






Video How To: Installation of a Single Point Sling Adapter

I have a  Single Point Sling Adapter on my Stag Arms AR and thought I would write up some instructions on how to install one. It is not difficult – but after looking at all the pictures and starting to write up the instruction – well, a video would be so much easier.

So – check out this YouTube video:



smalllogcabinFrom the Supply House: Here are a few popular survival & preparedness items available at deep discounts on Amazon. Many items are available with Free Shipping on orders over $35. 

Single Point Sling Adapter: This is the very adapter I just installed on my Stag. Pretty simple design and inexpensive.

Enhanced Spanner Wrench: This tool is required to install a single point sling adapter for removal of the buffer tube. Again – another simple design that works for right around $10 bucks.

Single Point Sling: If your on a budget here is an inexpensive bungee sling with quick release set up. Great deal.

M4 Buttstock Recoil Pad: Unique item fits any standard M4 collapsible stock.

Magpul Polymer Trigger Guard: Opens up the trigger guard for larger glove use.

Off Set Tactical Weapons Light Mount: I own several of these and they work great.


Lucid Dreaming | If you just began with lucid dreaming and you havent got one for eternity try this technique!

Its name is FILD :
2_Wake up after 6 hours. You want to be having REM and to be very tired.
3_Relax in the bed without moving and just slightly move your midle and index finger like when you play piano.
4_After 20 sec you will fill your body falling in your bed and then feel like mouskito bite.
And after 30 sec just keep doing the finger movement and do a RC and you will be in a dream without noticing you entered one.

When i tried it (yesterday) i was so exited and wondering how i entered the dream a d woke up.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 4/28/2015 - Pinned And Suffocated

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Monday, April 27, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – April 28th, 2015


As of this writing the situation in Baltimore is getting worse. Rumors are spreading that rival gangs have called a truths and will work together to take out police officers. 15 officers have been injured – some seriously. Vehicles are being set on fire and there is continuous looting going on.


I understand the community being upset about a man dying in custody of the police department but the actions of those that are rioting will do nothing to further their cause. In fact – I firmly believe that by far most of those rioting could care less about anyone except themselves. All they are doing is taking advantage of a bad situation. The officers responsible for whatever wrongdoing was done should be held accountable….period.

Notice I did not use the word “black” or “African-American”. It doesn’t matter what color the looters are. It doesn’t matter what color the victim was. We are all people. Those looting assclowns should spend a good long while in jail.


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I have really been enjoying audio books during my commute to work. I had never thought I would enjoy listening to some guy read a book. Many of these narrators get into the characters and change their voice, take on accents, and do a great job telling the story. I listen on my cell phone and laptop. What a time saver!

I even discovered that some non-fiction books are available as an audio book. A few examples are Retreat Security and Small Unit Tactics(only $1.99 as of this publication), How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It, and The Grid Down Prepper. If you are new to audio books Amazon has some special offers to get you started. Check them out HERE.

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100 burpees in 13 minutes and 46 seconds. Not bad. If you have never done a burpee – give it a shot. They suck.

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It appears that the Clinton campaign is at least stalling. I suspect that her followers will soon forget and her march to the White House will continue.

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I went to Cabela’s and picked up a box of .22 MAgnum and a few other trinkets. What was interesting was the response of the cashier when I handed her a $100. She said, “Ohh… I hardly ever see cash anymore.” Probably true. I usually do not pay with cash however my wife and I are starting an envelope system for budgeting. Anyways this is just another sign that “money” today hardly has anything to do with actual paper dollars. Everything is electronic including the billions the Federal Reserve loans the US Government.

The only value the US dollar has is just the belief that it actually has value.




Panhandle Rancher speaks…… Battery Wiring Diagram

Rourke: The following information is related to the post – Homemade Portable Solar Generator.

Batteries B1 through Bn are connected in parallel. Connect charge positive lead to B1 positive terminal; connect load positive lead to Bn positive terminal. Connect charge negative lead to Bn negative terminal; connect load negative lead to B1 negative terminal. This connection scheme distributes both load and charge over the entire battery bank. Using a common negative bus and reversing appropriate charge and load connections will also work and may be advantageous if using a negative chassis ground. Weak cells or batteries will diminish functionality. Check charge of all cells regularly with hydrometer.



Simply connecting the charge side to the first battery in a parallel bank and the discharge or load side to the end battery will not uniformly distribute either across the entire battery bank and will tend to charge one end of the bank and discharge from the other end of the bank (due to resistance of parallel connection wiring and within batteries). Always err on the heavy side when selecting bus wiring gauge. Clean battery terminals and connectors with a terminal brush before connecting.


Lead acid storage batteries produce hydrogen and oxygen. Such out gassing creates an highly explosive mixture of gasses. Vent well and avoid creating electrical sparks (relays and switches may spark when making/breaking connection as will connecting terminals). When concentrated in the presence of a spark or flame, these gasses will cause a battery to violently explode forcefully expelling pieces of the battery and sulfuric acid electrolyte. Wear eye protection whenever working around or with storage batteries. A baking soda and water solution will buffer (neutralize) spilled or splashed electrolyte. I once witnessed the explosion of a storage battery in an automobile. There was not a scrap of battery to be found afterward and the explosion was such that the battery hold down strap was ripped from the frame and disappeared along with the battery. Word to the wise here.




Lucid Dreaming | Sometimes the dream tells you to become lucid

Last night I dreamt that I was working in a call center. I went elsewhere, then go back to the call center, except everything looks different and I can't find my way anywhere. I think to myself, "A building's floor plan changing on its own like that is a good dream sign. I need to remember that the next time I have a dream." Then I realize I am dreaming! I can't change my dreamscape much, but I can fly. I start to feel myself waking up, but then I remember someone here saying to focus on sensations in a dream to keep myself anchored in the experience. So I feel the tips of my fingers. It prolongs the dream a little bit, but I eventually wake up.

Does this happen to others, where you discover a certain type of dream sign in-dream, then use it to become lucid?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | And there it is... My first WILD!

I finally, after long attempts, were able to do this. Disappoined because.. It happened by mistake!
A relief after failed attempts over the last few weeks of practicing this technique.

I was staying up studying for my math exam. I got very tired and decided to go to sleep, i went down fully intending to fall asleep, with a slight idea that my worry about the exam could keep me awake.. I couldn't sleep right away, but It took about 30 minutes until i got in the pre-dream state in which:

- I felt like my body was flying around.
- I heard random noises.
- I felt a strange sensation with my body.
- I were unable to move.

No visual things that i notice, besides being able to open my eyes, which i didn't do fully because who knows what creepy stuff will i see? :paranoid:
I suddenly got inside a false awakening in my room. It was extremely short and blurry though. After that i obviously woke up and then was able to sleep normally.

I don't care about the quality of the dream i had, it was called for since i weren't in REM anyways. The most important thing is that i actually did it, which is a confidence booster.

One thing that i have noticed happening several times:
My body drags itself into SP/HI forcefully when i go to bed in a very tired but aware state, like coming back from the finals exams and trying to sleep.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 4/27/2015 - Minor Assault

via - Play. Learn. Share.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Not Lucid Lucid dream?

Ok guys, so this is one of my first posts :P

So I want some help on the subject of lucidity. I was in a dream and realized that this was not real, and so I started spinning as to stop from slipping. However, I realized I was having some trouble controlling the dream. This is the first time it has happenned and was wondering if anyone could help me out, if it was that I was not expecting it, or that I wasn't trying in the right way.

So basiclly I was trying to move a building by extending my hand towards it and trying to make it fly up in the air. To my sadness, nothing happened but when i tryed another building (as i was turning towards it) I teleported somewhere else, then I teleported to the new building and everything started melting and I woke up.

Any experience with the subject? And ideas for what I could do in a lucid dream? Anything I could do to have more control?

JjackGaming (look me up on youtube! )

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

From the Desk of John Rourke – April 27th, 2015

A number of Federal Agencies have been increasing security across the country – especially in California. This is all due to an apparent ISIS threat inside the borders of the United States. That is about all that is known based on this article.

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The earthquake in Nepal is awful with well over 2000 people reported dead. I saw reports on the Sunday morning news that so many people are outside, exposed to the elements. Due to the damage many structures have people cannot go into many apartment buildings, homes, and other structures. As you can imagine food, water, sanitation in addition to shelter is an issue.

Another reason we prepare.

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More and more it is becoming clear to me that the “lone wolf prepper” will not do well in the long term. Networking and building relationships with like-minded folks who can help each other in a crisis is a large key to success.

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It is April 27th. If you are in an area that people are planting their garden and you haven’t – get on it!!! Even if you have literally no land gardening is possible. Check out I have a set of these bucket grow kits and they work great. You can grow all kinds of vegetables on a patio, a porch – wherever.


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Shoulder News: I recently mentioned that I was taking last week off from working out to rest my shoulder as I have been having some pain. Well – I am writing this Sunday night and it is not any better. Really no different at all. I have complete use of the shoulder however certain positions I can feel pain. Getting back on track for working out Monday morning but will avoid certain movements. Looks like an Ortho appointment is in my future.

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Hope everyone has a great week!!!


REVIEW: Kelly Kettle Trekker


Most every prepper in existence has at least one – if not a dozen –  ways to cook in the absence of electricity.  Whether on the go or sheltering in place, cooking and boiling water are right up there on the “list of important things” that must be done. There have been a multitude of cook systems developed over the years to accomplish just that. Some use canned or bottled fuel, others use fuel tablets – and others are considered “biomass” systems. Biomass refers to most any natural burnable item such as sticks, small dry leaves, twigs, pinecones, etc.

The Kelly Kettle has been around since the late 1890’s cooking food AND boiling water  at the same time.


Product Description

What makes the Kelly Kettle so unique is its design. First and foremost it is a wood stove. A Fire Base sits at the bottom with vent holes in it. Small twigs, sticks and anything else flammable can act as the fuel source. Although the fire is started within the Fire Base additional material is placed within the kettle after it is placed on the base. The fire burns extremely hot via the oxygen rich air being fed through the vent holes in the base. This is the typically “volcano”stove method for getting a very hot cooking medium.

While the main chamber sends extreme heat out the top of the chimney for cooking a secondary operation occurs at the same time – the heating of water. Along one side of the Kelly Kettle Trekker is a water chamber which holds approx. 20 ounces of water. While cooking at the top of the chimney the water inside the chamber is heating up and eventually boils.

Consider the efficiency in both fuel and time. The same fuel can both cook a pot of beef stew while purifying water – all at the same time. What a great idea!



Testing Results

The Kelly Kettle Trekker consists of two main parts – the Fire Base and the Chimney. Additional supplies also come in the box including a pot support, a small cook set, and a can of Fired Up! Emergency Fuel. I have not tested the Fired Up! yet.

While my youngest son Christopher gathered up a pile of small twigs and sticks in preparation for the initial test I gathered everything to get started. [See below]



I explained to Christopher how the stove worked and the steps to get it started. He placed some dryer lint and a few small twigs in the Fire Base. Rather matches or a Bic lighter I gave him a ferrocerium rod and striker. [See below]



It took some working on his technique but he finally was able to send some sparks onto the tinder.




The water chamber was filled. The cap to the chamber must be left off while heating the water. [See below]



Once the fire in the Fire Base was well underway the main chamber was installed. It is important to note that the stove is somewhat top heavy thus having a flat and solid base which to place the Trekker is important.

Small twigs and sticks continued to be dropped into the chimney to fuel the fire. As the flame became larger we threw in larger sticks which burned well. [See below]



Within just a few minutes there was flame shooting out the top of the Kelly Kettle. This was some serious heat. We continued to drop twigs, sticks, and even a few dried leaves into the chimney. [See below]



The water inside the chamber started boiling and spilling out a little. This would be perfect for preparing some Mountain House freeze dried food. If water is questionable for drinking it could be purified via boiling and then drank once cooled. [See below]



Christopher decided he wanted to cook a hot dog using the included cook set and pot support. The pot support raises the pot up away from the chimney to allow heat out as well as space to continue to feed the fire. [See below]







There is a saying – “Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door.” In the world of portable survival cook systems the Kelly Kettle Trekker is that mousetrap. It is truly an ingenious design which from this point forward I will compare all others.

It is simple to operate. There is no need to carry fuel. It is not the smallest or lightest however it is not huge nor heavy. It can fit in most any backpack or survival kit. It cooks your food and boils your water – simultaneously.

It is well worth the price of $74.99.

High recommendation. For more information click here.



Lucid Dreaming | Only seem to become lucid when not “trying”

I have noticed in my attempts to lucid dream, that if I was to do many RC’s during the day in high hopes that it would result in lucidity the next night, try to have confidence it will work and do my best to believe I will LD soon, it never results in lucidity.

In contrast, however, sometimes when I think “oh I may as well just give up”, I have a LD the next morning or pretty soon. I am curious as to why this is; I thought that you needed to have high expectations at the forefront of your mind, and should be actively planning your LD’s etc. in augmentation with your daytime work. In fact, most of the LD’s I’ve had came about when I wasn’t actively trying or even thinking about it.

An example: I had two LD’s earlier this week after having “given up for a while", as it were. I only did 2 RC’s the previous day with a mindset of “well if it doesn’t pay off, it doesn’t pay off, but I’ll do it anyway”. I didn’t even plan on having an LD that night, but I did!

I’m just curious as to why this is, if anyone has an opinion.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 4/26/2015 - Mate in 2

via - Play. Learn. Share.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | With a little bit of help from my DC's

In this dream I was in a store and asked for "something to aid mental clarity".

A salesclerk went away and came back with a bag containing a powder. He handed it to me, and I looked on the label. This label was written in symbols that vaguely resembled ordinary letters, but not enough to spell a word, or a name. I instantly became lucid because of this.

Wasn't that really nice of the dream? And ingenious? :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 4/25/2015 - A. K. - Christian Stevens, 2007

via - Play. Learn. Share.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Big sale at Emergency Essentials

As usual Emergency Essentials is having a great sale on all kinds of things preparedness-related. Great selection, great prices and great service have kept Emergency Essentials a leader in the preparedness industry.

Here are a few of the items on sale:

Victorio Hand Grain Mill – reg. $91.19      SALE: $44.99

Emergency Food Buckets – huge selection at deep discounts

Mountain house #10 Can Chili Mac – reg. $28.99      SALE: $19.99

Kaito Voyager V1 Dynamo and Solar Radio – reg. $30.00      SALE: $22.99

Emergency Essentials Buttermilk Biscuit Mix 54 oz. –   reg. $11.95      SALE: $8.95

Clear Mist 115-Hour Plus Emergency Candle – reg. $8.99      SALE: $4.99

Super Supply of Instant Non-Fat Dry Milk 18 cans – reg. $473.22      SALE: $329.99

Emergency Essentials/BePrepared

These are but a few of the great deals going on this month.

Check ’em out!



Lucid Dreaming | Getting dream characters to have you question waking life

This is the second thread I'm posting here for the last two days, hopefully you guys won't consider this spamming since the topics are different - I came up with an interesting idea and I just had to get some of your opinions about it!

I'm going to ask my girlfriend (she's one of my more commonly recurring dream characters and a person that I spend a lot of time with) to tell me that I'm dreaming a couple of random times a day.

My idea is to have one of my dream characters that I often communicate with in real life get me to do a reality check by telling me that I'm dreaming. The reason is that I assume if this happens consistently enough, the same thing could happen when they're a part of my real dream. I guess if a dream character tells you that you're dreaming while you're actually dreaming for real, and you're used to doing reality checks when that happens, that could very well help you turn lucid, right?

Let me know what you think and if anyone has tried it - what was the outcome?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 4/24/2015 - Setting Them Up For Failure

via - Play. Learn. Share.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – April 24th, 2015

It wasn’t until Thursday night when I realized my “From the Desk of…..” never went live for Thursday. Sorry about that.

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America has changed a lot in the past couple decades. Many believe not for the better. Yesterday I saw that it is predicted that over the next 8 years the immigrant population(combination of legal and illegal) will hit 51 million people and account for more than 80% of the entire population growth.

I am not against legal immigration. This is not good news for the future of America.

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Bruce Jenner was a great athlete. Now? Who cares? I don’t. If the guy wants to get his junk removed and get breast implants and dance around in a dress that’s up to him. While there are Progressives out there celebrating his new found change like he’s found the cure for cancer I say he is a couple cans short of a six pack. And that’s being nice.

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Russia is said to be prepared to supply arms to Mexico if the United States delivers weapons to Ukraine. The purpose of the arms to Mexico would be to generate a conflict between the US and Mexico over land which many Mexicans believe still belong to Mexico.

I have said it before – Russia is getting more and more dangerous.

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Man bitten in face while trying to kiss venomous snake. “

Hmmmm……I call this a case of natural selection.

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Going to have a really cool giveaway next Wednesday. Make sure you check in.

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Have had several people join the Patriots – the new membership program here on ModernSurvivalOnline. If interested click HERE. So far I have gotten good reports. Thanks!

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Anyone remember this?








Anaphylactic Shock In Austere Settings

Rourke: This article can be seen here in its original format.

In a disaster or any other situation that leaves us off the grid, we will expose ourselves to insect stings and poison ivy, as well as strange food items that we aren’t accustomed to. Allergic reactions may ensue in susceptible individuals. When we develop an allergic reaction, it might be mild or it might be severe. If severe enough, we refer to it as anaphylaxisor anaphylactic shock. Anaphylaxis is the word used for serious and rapid allergic reactions involving one or more parts of the body which can become life-threatening.
Anaphylactic reactions were first identified when researchers tried to protect dogs against a certain poison by desensitizing them with small doses. Instead of being protected, many of the dogs died suddenly the second time they got the poison. The word used for preventative protection is “PROphylaxis”. Think of a condom, also known as a prophylactic. A condom protects you from sexually transmitted diseases. The word “ANAphylaxis”, therefore, means the opposite of protection. The dog experiment allowed scientists to understand that the same can happen in humans, and had application to asthma and other immune responses.



This allergic reaction can be caused by drug exposure or pollutants, but even ordinary foods such as peanuts can be culprits. Our immune system sometimes goes haywire when it acts to protect our body from an invading substance. In extreme circumstances, a person could go into shock.
Anaphylaxis has become an timely issue in because of the increased numbers of people that are experiencing the condition. Why the increase? When medicines are the cause, the explanation is likely that we are simply using a lot of drugs these days. Why foods should be causing anaphylaxis more often, however, is more perplexing. Could pollutants be an issue? For whatever reason, allergies such as asthma, food allergies and hay fever are becoming epidemic all over the world.


The likely causes of anaphylaxis are:

• Drugs: dyes injected during x-rays, antibiotics like Penicillin, anesthetics, aspirin, ibuprofen, and even some heart and blood pressure medicines
• Foods: Nuts, fruit, seafood
• Insects stings: Bees and Yellow Jacket Wasps, especially
• Latex: rubber gloves mad of latex, especially in healthcare workers
• Exercise: often after eating
• Idiopathic: This word means “of unknown cause”; a substantial percentage of cases


Fumes from chemicals like Chlorine gas can be dangerous in their own right without causing an immune or anaphylactic reaction.




It’s important to recognize the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis because the faster you treat it, the less likely it will be life-threatening. You may see:
• Swelling: can be generalized, but sometimes isolated to the airways or throat
• Breathing difficulty: wheezing is common as in asthmatics
• GI symptoms: diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, or abdominal pain
• Loss of consciousness: The patient may appear to have fainted
• Strange sensations on the lips or oral cavity: especially with food allergies
• Shock: Blood pressure drops, respiratory failure leading to coma and death


anaphylaxis symptoms





Indonesia Independence Day
Fainting is not the same thing as anaphylactic shock. You can tell the difference in several ways:
• Someone who has fainted is usually pale in color, but anaphylactic shock will often present with the patient somewhat flushed.
• The pulse in anaphylaxis is fast, but a person who has fainted will have a slow heart rate.
• Most people who have just fainted will rarely have breathing problems and rashes, but these will be very common signs and symptoms in an anaphylactic reaction.



In food allergies, victims often notice the effects very rapidly; their life may be in danger within a few minutes. People who have had a serious anaphylactic reaction should be observed overnight, as there is, on occasion, a second wave of symptoms. This can happen several hours after the exposure. Some reactions are mild and probably not anaphylaxis, but a history of mild symptoms is not a guarantee that every reaction will be that way.
Why does our immune system go awry in anaphylactic situations? Anaphylaxis happens when the body makes an antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE for short) in response to exposure to an allergen, like food or a medication. IgE sticks to cells, which then release substances that affect blood vessels and air passages. The second time you are exposed to that allergen, these substances drop your blood pressure and cause soft tissue swelling. The airways, however, can tighten and cause respiratory difficulty.
Histamine is a substance released in this situation. Medications which counteract these ill effects are known, therefore, as antihistamines. These drugs may be helpful in mild allergic reactions, but tablets, like Benadryl, take about an hour to get into the bloodstream properly; this isn’t fast enough to save lives in serious reactions. If it’s all you have, chew the pill to get it into your system more quickly. Other antihistamines, like Claritin, come in wafers that melt on your tongue, and get into your system more quickly, although the effect is also mild.
The same cells with IgE antibodies release other substances which may cause ill effects, and antihistamines do not protect you against these. As such, we look to another medicine that is more effective: Adrenaline, known in the U.S. as Epinephrine.




The Epi-pen is the most popular of the various available injectable kits to combat anaphylaxis. It’s important to learn how to use the Epi-Penproperly. Click the link in the last sentence for a video on the subject.



You can cause more harm than good if you fail to follow the instructions. For example, Adrenaline (Epinephrine) can constrict the blood vessels if injected into a finger by mistake, and prevent adequate circulation to the digit. In rare cases, gangrene can set in. Also, remember that the Epi-Pen won’t help you if you don’t carry it with you or have it readily accessible.
Since it’s a liquid, Adrenaline (Epinephrine) will not stay effective forever. Be sure to follow the storage instructions. Although you don’t want to store it someplace that’s hot, the Epi-pen shouldn’t be kept in any situation where it could freeze, which will damage its effectiveness significantly. Store in dry, dark, cool conditions.
When is it appropriate to inject Epinephrine? An easily remembered formula is the Rule of D’s:
Definite reaction: Your patient is obviously having a major reaction, such as a large rash or difficult breathing.
Deterioration: Use the Epi-pen before the condition becomes life-threatening.
Danger: Any worsening of a reaction after a few minutes.
Imminent danger is probably most likely if your patient has difficulty breathing or has lost consciousness. If you are ever in doubt, go ahead and give the injection. The earlier you use it, the faster a person will resolve the anaphylaxis. One injection is usually enough to save a life, but have more than one handy, just in case. This is especially pertinent when you are away from your base of operations.
Some people may not be able to take Adrenaline (Epinephrine) due to chronic heart conditions or high blood pressure. Make sure that you consult with your doctor now to determine that it is safe to receive an injection. Have the medicine available, learn the signs and symptoms, and you’ll stay out of trouble.


Joe Alton, MD




Learn more about anaphylactic shock and 100 other medical issues you might encounter in a disaster in our Amazon bestselling book “The Survival Medicine Handbook“, now with over 195 5-star reviews.


Also, check out Nurse Amy’s entire line of medical kits and supplies at our store at


