Thursday, April 2, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Almost had a lucid dream?

I was meditating or at least listening to binaural beats again, then I fell asleep when I saw this hallway with beige colored walls. It had a bunch of dark rooms (I tend to have non-lucid dreams where I can't turn on the light) and there was sunlight at the end of the hallway coming from another room.

My body went numb again and it was so vivid but I was like "oh crap I'm dreaming" and was aware of that but got scared!

In waking life, I tend to have anxiety problems or be fearful sometimes. I was thinking lucid dreams would help me resolve some of those issues (probably not all). I have been doing reality checks but I hate the fact that I'm too afraid to stay lucid!

I can wake myself up from a regular dream but since I've never had a full-blown lucid dream, how can I wake myself up if I see something too scary in my dreams?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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