Sunday, April 5, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | How often should i perform reality checks, would you suggest?

Hi People,

I've been wanting to switch my focus fully onto DILD/MILD type techniques, since even if i manage to WILD/DEILD they are rather unstable and sudden ending while stabilizing them tends to be hard... And on the other hand DILD/MILD ones are going smothly and they sometimes don't even need stabilizing at all :-P

I've tried various techniques for DILD but they usually overhelmed my mind including: ADA, Memory Checks, Awareness and such... Mostly because i tended to overdo the basics and do them too often... Tho i can't deny after after first day of ADA attempts i've managed to get 1 - 3 lucid dreams which was kinda awesome

So, after fail with recent memory check technique i've looked for a better/easier/effective and that's how i glanced upon watch/clock technique. it's simple, fast, reliable and not so noticable, even if somebody noticed me doing it then oh who cares, it's just me checking the time ;-)

And so on i've decided to purchase digital watch but before that i'd like to resolve all problems with the technique which i may encounter

The biggest problem currently for me is determinating how often i should perform watch reality check...

I'd like to get regular lucid dreams out of that aswell as optimal amount of effort when performing it. I've been thinking of maybe doing it every 10 minutes or perhaps 15, not sure about that..

TL;DR Version

1. I want to start doing 'digital' watch reality check for regular lucid dreams

2. I'm not sure how often

3. Thinking of every 10 maybe 15 minutes

4. Would love feedback/advice

- Thanks :-P

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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