Thursday, April 23, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Bedtime and dream recall

Hi everyone,

I wanted to quickly get your opinions based on personal experience with something.

You've all probably heard people say or read somewhere that it's better to go to bed earlier in order to improve recall/your chances of LD. However, I noticed that sometimes, I will go to bed really late and still end up recalling more of my dreams than I do on some regular nights where I've gone to bed earlier. Due to my work schedule, I usually get home at around 00:10 AM and I can't really push myself to go to sleep earlier than 01:30 - 02:00 AM. Even when I do, I can't say that I see that much of a difference.

In fact my girl often remembers more than I do and she isn't even putting any effort into it or trying to remember dreams, which is quite saddening for me. I think that right now I'm just creating mental blocks by thinking that going to bed later will hurt my ability to recall, so it ends up coming true. I really hope it's actually a myth and all in my head.

What I wanted to kind of look into is this - how much do you think the time you go to bed affects your dream recall? What do you think matters most when it comes to dream recall improvement? I'd love to hear from more people on this topic.

Looking forward to some input :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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