Friday, April 24, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Getting dream characters to have you question waking life

This is the second thread I'm posting here for the last two days, hopefully you guys won't consider this spamming since the topics are different - I came up with an interesting idea and I just had to get some of your opinions about it!

I'm going to ask my girlfriend (she's one of my more commonly recurring dream characters and a person that I spend a lot of time with) to tell me that I'm dreaming a couple of random times a day.

My idea is to have one of my dream characters that I often communicate with in real life get me to do a reality check by telling me that I'm dreaming. The reason is that I assume if this happens consistently enough, the same thing could happen when they're a part of my real dream. I guess if a dream character tells you that you're dreaming while you're actually dreaming for real, and you're used to doing reality checks when that happens, that could very well help you turn lucid, right?

Let me know what you think and if anyone has tried it - what was the outcome?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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