Monday, April 27, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | And there it is... My first WILD!

I finally, after long attempts, were able to do this. Disappoined because.. It happened by mistake!
A relief after failed attempts over the last few weeks of practicing this technique.

I was staying up studying for my math exam. I got very tired and decided to go to sleep, i went down fully intending to fall asleep, with a slight idea that my worry about the exam could keep me awake.. I couldn't sleep right away, but It took about 30 minutes until i got in the pre-dream state in which:

- I felt like my body was flying around.
- I heard random noises.
- I felt a strange sensation with my body.
- I were unable to move.

No visual things that i notice, besides being able to open my eyes, which i didn't do fully because who knows what creepy stuff will i see? :paranoid:
I suddenly got inside a false awakening in my room. It was extremely short and blurry though. After that i obviously woke up and then was able to sleep normally.

I don't care about the quality of the dream i had, it was called for since i weren't in REM anyways. The most important thing is that i actually did it, which is a confidence booster.

One thing that i have noticed happening several times:
My body drags itself into SP/HI forcefully when i go to bed in a very tired but aware state, like coming back from the finals exams and trying to sleep.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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