Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Anti-lucid mechanism?

Hello DreamViews community!
So I have been having a bit of problem with my lucid experiences. Often times I become pre-lucid ( Asking myself if I am in a dream ) but my brain, being the incredible idiot it is decides that it needs to trick me. Sometimes right before I look at my hands, pinch myself, try to stop breathing and such an event occurs the moment I decide and I lose focus.

For ex: I was eating chocolate but it tasted like bannanas, so I turned to my friend and realized that he didn't have any arms! I asked myself if this was a dream, and as I was in the process of doing a reality test he explained that he was in a car accident, and explained the whole story IN DETAIL! Or another time I met a celebrity but my brain plays it off by suddenly having paparazzi surronding them or things like that.

It seems my brain doesn't want me to become lucid. I know this probably sound ludicrous to alot of you, but it makes everything so real that I lose my connection between conciousnesses. This has happened 2-3 times now in the past week and I am becoming very close to attaining lucidity. If you have any experience in this PLEASE leave a reply, it would really help me out! :D

- JjackGaming

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1Aewqql

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