Monday, March 9, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Testing SSILD for 60 days

I'm gonna be testing the SSILD technique for 60 days and I will post what happened on each day.

The reason I'm doing this is because I learned the SSILD technique just a few days ago and tried it for 2 consecutive nights and I got 2 lucid dreams, one on each attempt!!! so that's 100% of effectiveness so far even though I'm a total noob! I can only imagine how reliable this technique could be if I become an expert :yddd:

Now I will briefly describe what I did on the 2 successful attempts from last week.

For the WBTB part:

1. I went to sleep at around 2:30 a.m.

2. My alarm went off at 8:20 a.m.

3. I recorded the dreams I had dreams in my DJ (wich were very short and not very vivid)

4. I stayed up until 9 a.m.

Now for the SSILD part:

1. At 9 a.m. I started doing the SSILD technique

2. I lay down comfortably

3. I passively focused my attention on my vision for approximately 20 seconds, focusing on what I saw (just blackness and a few random shapes behind my closed eyelids) but not expecting to see anything.

4. Doing the same with my hearing for approximately 20 seconds too, focusing on what I heard but not expecting to hear anything

5. And lastly the same with my Somesthetic Senses (touch)

I was supposed to complete 4 sets of focusing on my vision, hearing and touch and by the 3rd set I was already about to fall asleep but I managed to complete the 4 sets.

(If you want to see the steps for the SSILD technique in more detail check this out: Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (SSILD))

What happened next is I was dreaming and suddenly realized it was a dream :banana:

Pretty much the same happened the next day and I got another LD! :D they were kind of short (around 2 minutes) but I forgot to do some stabilization techniques when I was lucid so I'll blame it on that :P

Ok so, I'm gonna start this night and I'll post my results for Day 1 tomorrow wish me luck bros ;)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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