Friday, March 27, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Dreaming of your Induction

I am trying to figure out if I keep dreaming that I am performing my induction techniques.

So let me explain... I lay down and perform WILD, FILD, or whatever technique to maintain consciousness as I fall asleep. I typically find myself in a state of awareness where I feel vibrations but I have lost sense of where I am so to speak. Often I will feel vibrations and can somehow see although my eyes are closed but I am in a totally different room. I even had chained lucids this morning but could swear each time one ended and another began I would get vibrations although I was in a different room each time. Not sure how I knew it was a different room. Hard to explain with the exception of cases where I could see the room.

When I get to the phase where I start to visualize dream images (before I step into the dream) it's like I am in a vacuum and I am not that aware of my room at all so not sure if I have maintained consciousness seamlessly or if I am dreaming that I am doing the induction. Has anyone experienced this?

On a positive note, I read a chaining technique where each time a dream ends tell yourself "I am still lucid. A new dream will form soon". It worked extremely well last night. Each time vibrations would start and then a new dream would appear.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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