Monday, March 2, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Meditating into sleep when you first go to bed

Recently I have been trying SSILD after WBTB. It feels quite suited to me and it seems to be having wonderful effects on dream recall and causing DILDs. The past few days I have been trying it, I have mostly become lucid by just suddenly realising I'm dreaming a few minutes into the dream. I didn't even need to reality check, it just seemed to happen spontaneously. My understanding is that this is due to increased awareness that was carried over from SSILD, which basically has you meditating yourself to sleep by bring your attention to the three main senses one at a time for a while.

My question is, does meditating as you fall asleep or doing SSILD before you first go to bed have an effect on your awareness in dreams, level of dream recall and quality of sleep? CosmicIron (I think I got that name right) who wrote the SSILD tutorial, if I remember correctly, says there's no point doing SSILD unless it's from a WBTB. But I've heard some meditators say that falling asleep mindfully brings a more restful sleep, and as far as I'm aware the practice of falling asleep consciously into NREM is a part of Tibetan Dream Yoga.

So does making an effort to be more aware whilst first falling asleep bring more awareness into the dreams throughout the whole night? It seems logical that it should, since the last thing you do before sleeping usually has an effect. I myself have had a few experiences of dreaming I was meditating after falling asleep following my breath. Even if it does not lead to lucidity in the first 4-5 hours, if we're being more aware in our dreams during that time (even if we don't know it), that would surely have an effect on our minds during a WBTB and/or in the latter part of the night. Right?

Does anyone have any thoughts or experience on this matter? :happyface:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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